Oneshot: Ukyo's Birthday!

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Hey it's OreoHimeSama here with another Birthday oneshot! I know I have been neglecting you readers for some time—

Nagi: It's been what, like, six months?

Anyways!!! I won't be stalling y'all anymore so here is the oneshot! Enjoy!!! ^^

[Warning it's a bit steamy]


Y/N's P.O.V. -time-6:00 PM-Location-Sunrise Residence-

Looking outside the window, snow has piled up at the front of the garden. The large tree is now naked, the leaves that had fallen out since fall is now gone, and filled with bits of snow from outside. It is already the last month of the year, I still wonder why does time fly by so fast? I felt a shuffling behind me and a warm leather coat is draped against my shoulders.

"Here, you might get cold If your wearing something thin like that."

I pull it closer to me, hugging it as it warms me up. "Thanks, Ukyo-nii." I give him a smile at the gesture. I saw him blush a bit and found it quite cute. He turns around and leans on the counter beside me.

"How long till the chicken casserole is ready?"

"Half an hour I suppose."

"Are you sure I followed the recipe right? This is the first time that I had someone else suggest what to cook."

"I'm sure they'll love whatever you cook Y/N-chan. " He says to me with such a soft tone.

Kaname-nii planned the evening for us "adults" as the rest of the brothers and Emachii go to bed after they eat dinner and celebrate with us for a bit. Masaomi-nii also said that we need all the delicious food we need so that we can have the perfect night later. The dessert in cups are already chillin in the refrigerator as the rest of the food is already on the table, the plates are all set up, and I take a glance at the hidden beer in the far corner of the shelf, and the paper cups that is also tucked away.

"What is it?"


"You seemed like you had something on your mind." He looks worried and I see concern in his eyes. I feel like all the brother's heart are on their sleeve. It worries me that they're like this because of me and Emachii.

"N-no, it's nothing." I almost gave away the surprise for later. Thinking of ways to keep distracted, my lightbulb suddenly had an idea.

"Ukyo-nii, how about we play a game? It's called 20 Questions." I ask him, well, more like forced him to play it, as he asks about the rules. You tell the player what category your mystery objects fits into, then you can only asks yes or no questions to take a guess on what the other player's mystery object is. You take one turn as you ask each other questions. If you used up all of your 20 questions, you must find out the what the other player is thinking at the end of the game.

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