Chapter 7

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Hello readers!!! Thank you so much for still reading this book! I honestly don't know what to say right now. So let's get on with chapter 7!!! <3

But before that...

F/S/N : First/ Stage/ Name

L/S/N: Last/ Stage/ Name


First name: Eiji

Last Name: Genzo

Age: 31

Birth: April 21, ????

Looks: Purple hair that's a tad bit long so he tied it at the back, Maroon-pinkish eyes with stars glinting inside them, charming and has a happy smile.

Height: 5'10

Likes: Working, His hobbies(Riding a bicycle, drinking, doing work, being busy) Y/N, Nagi, Makoto, Kei, Ryuto, His girlfriend, Y/N's New family

Dislikes: Being Late, Idols

Moving on


Y/N's P.O.V.-Time-8:00 am-Sunrise Mansion

After the little moment with Azusa-nii, I've been spy—observing him from afar. Whenever we cross paths at the hallway, we would just wave at each other and chat a bit. Getting closer to all of them, made me remember my sole purpose of being here.

To Protect Emachii.

"Emachii, you seem excited today." Smiling at her, she tells me that her Culture Festival is today. I look around for my two other brothers that goes to the same school as her.

"Yusuke-kun went ahead first while Futo-kun skipped breakfast because his costume is not finished yet." placing the juice down, I continue to eat the small breakfast Emachii made. I looked up to see Azusa-nii going down the stairs. Wait...Something is off about him...

"Good morning, Azusa-nii/Azusa-san." Emachii and I say at the same time making me giggle. He replied back while he gave a half-smile. Did something happen? He looks a bit pale compared last week...Is he not eating well? Caught up with work or something? I sound like a worried girlfriend—wait, girlfriend?!?!? Since when do I use that word?!?! Apparently now, but—this!! Arrghh!!!

"I'll get your breakfast ready." He stopped me and explained that he apparently doesn't have an appetite. Emachii asked him if he's not feeling well.

" Yeah, I've been getting bad headaches lately for some reason." He replied while knocking his forehead. He was about to leave when I saw his balance falls off.

"Azusa-san!!" Seeing him about to fall, I stand up and blocked his fall. His breathing is rushed and he sounds exhausted.

"You need to rest." I put his arm behind my back to let him rest at the couch when he suddenly lost balanced and falls down bringing me along with him. Opening my eyes from the fall, I sat up and immediately putting his head on my lap. Strange...his complexion became paler than yesterday. Now I'm really worried.

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