Chapter 9 (Part 1)

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As I turn to another corner of the building, I kept running in hopes of finding my little sister, Ema. The night sky erupts a shower of rain, every step that I make kept me getting more wet, since I didn't bother finding shelter in the rain. Why did I kept running this time? I shake the thoughts away for a moment and I saw someone standing in the rain as well. It was Natsume-nii. I slow down and just stood here and saw that he wasn't alone. He found Emachii.

I start to take a step when my body wouldn't let me move. Why? That was the word that kept lingering in my head. Why couldn't I be the one who found her first but someone else... again? I hear the conversation and I stood here where there isn't any light.

"What do you mean "why"? " My chest started to ache when I hear her words.

"Because I'm someone that no one needs."

"Did something happen?"

"Anyway, I'm going to let Kyo-bro know."

"Please don't call him... I don't... want to go home."

When I heard her say that, my point of leaving to find her seems like it was nothing. At least she doesn't know yet. My phone buzzed and saw a message from Keichii.

"Hey, Y/N, where are you? Your real brothers are here worried about you and Ema-san. Thank goodness they believed me and I got inside before the rain started. Please come back here. And If your troubled, let's talk alright?"

Now I even got Keichii worried about me. I look at the spot before and saw Natsume-nii walking away with my sister. I'm sorry...Emachii...


I got off the elevator dripping water all over the floor and as soon as I arrived inside, Rocky barked so loud and started to whine in front of me.

"Y/N!!! Where did you go?! You got me so worried!!!"

"I'm sorry Rocky." I patted his head and looked at the person behind him, Keichii.

"Yo, Keichii. Don't hug me right now." I know that he's worried about me since from the looks of it, my brothers' must have told him about what happened earlier.

"Alright. But first of all, go and take a warm bath right now. I'll grab you some clothes and a towel after this. How could I have such an adoring band member dote on me? I told the directions to my room and I got in the bathroom for a bath.

After a few minutes passed, I heard the door open and saw Keichii put down something through this blurred glass door. He left and I was back to Y/N in Wonderland. I have so many thoughts in my head that I keep wondering.

Why didn't I go after her when I finally found her? Did something kept me holding back? I felt like it wasn't important of me to go and find her... but she is my sister. Adopted sister. That word kept bothering me like a million times now. Sighing, I got off the bathtub and grabbed my towel, wear the clothes given to me, and left the bathroom.

I went downstairs and saw the brothers waiting in distress. The first one who noticed me was Wataru-kun because he runs to me and hugs me tight. I saw the rest of the brothers' expression. Worry and Disbelief.

"Where is she?" I look at the person who asks me, Yusuke-kun. As much as I want to tell him the whereabouts of his crush, I need to give time to my sister when she accepts who she really is.

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