Eiji's Note?

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Eiji's P.O.V.

Nagi: "Come on! Come on! Pick up the pace!"

Eiji: 'How did it end up like this?'

Kei: "I'm trying! Oh! I'm out of grenades!"

Y/N: "What?! Then go buy one dingus!"

Makoto: "Behind you!!!"

All except OreoHimeSama: "Agh!!!"

Rocky: "No!!! Damn!!! We lost."

Ryuto: "Now that that's over, why don't we watch a movie instead?"

I look at the situation I'm in right now. We're celebrating Nagi's birthday today because on the day of her birthday, she was stuck on quarantine with her family there to celebrate with her. She missed us so much that we decided to have a get-together party. We planned the time and we went  went outside;one by one, to gather the things we needed for the small party. Of course, everything was private and was planned perfectly. We brought some chips, sodas, and every candy and chocolate that we could eat for tomorrow. Now the only thing we need is the movies, video games and musics for us to enjoy for tomorrow. Hence, everything was prepared. Except, the location of the party. Yes, you guessed right. My apartment.

I know, I know, OreoHimeSama was supposed to update the next chapter for today, but without Nagi on the screen; which she was in the script for the next chapter of this fanfiction, the chapter won't be complete without her. Plus, I think she's having problems with her family especially being on quarantine, I think that's why the script was unfinished. 

Y/N: "So what movie should we watch?" [looks for some movies]

Kei: "What about "IT: Chapter 2" ? A horror movie sounds good." [smirks]

Ryuto: "No! I don't want Nagi to get scared!"

Y/N: "Aww! Don't be such a scaredy cat Ryuto! If you get scared, I'm sure Nagi will be there to hold you during the jumpscares!"

Nagi & Ryuto: [blushes]

Kei: "I'll keep you close too, Y/N. You can lean on your little bro too, you can trust me." [puts an arm around Y/N's shoulder and winks at her]

Makoto: [pulls the arm off of Y/N's shoulder and looks at Kei] Kei-kun, don't make Y/N-chan uncomfortable. Treating us like your older siblings is enough on-set. I don't need you "making the moves" on her too. [whispers: playboy]

OreoHimeSama: [sighs]

Rocky: You alright, Hime? 

OreoHimeSama: Yeah I'm good. 

I was about to open my mouth to speak when Rocky transformed into his animal form and started to rub his nose on Hime's hand. Seriously, why are you looking so down on a day like this?

Y/N: "Found it! MIB International! I haven't watched this yet!" [Looks at the movie on N*tfl*x]  So, you guys up for some action? I know everyone will enjoy this." [smiles]

All: [melts in warm of her cuteness] Ditto.

Eiji: So that'll be all for today. Update on the next chapter will be on next week. Sorry for the troubles readers. That's all for today's update.



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