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[Third Person P.O.V]

That same day in the afternoon, Tzuyu just got up from her nap. The other girls appeared in front of her and Jihyo stepped forward. She pulled out a cutter and sliced the rope off of Tzuyu. The tall girl was surely taken aback by the action. Tzuyu carefully stood up and tried to wave her arms up and down. The girls smiled at her.

'Why is she suddenly doing this?,' Tzuyu thought.

Jihyo spoke to her with a serious tone, "You're in luck, Tzuyu. Let's just say you passed in our evaluation. Mina found no signs of you being guilty."

"Mina-unnie...?" she looked at Mina with a blank face but still full expression in her eyes. "But she doesn't talk."

"She didn't have to, silly," Chaeyoung chuckled.

Tzuyu grew confused once again by that statement. The girls guided her to the couch and as they sat, Nayeon began to break the ice.

"Okay, Tzuyu. Chaeyoung and Dahyun here told us that you're going to join us.  Now listen, this is a serious matter, what's happening in our sorority, and we don't want any betrayals any time soon. Do you understand?"

"S-sorority?," Tzuyu gulped.

"That's correct," Jeongyeon joined in. "It might be hard to explain it to you but we'll try our best for it to reach your level of understanding... since you are our maknae now."

The tall girl thought for a moment. She understood that she is the maknae but she's still processing how their sorority came to be. And so, she continued listening to her unnies.

"We were just like any other sororities; group of girls formed together with initiations and chants and all you can think of that sororities do. We're called 'TWICE'; and there is a meaning to that but I won't say it for now. The founder was surprisingly Mina who's fast friends with Sana and Momo 'cause they both came from Japan," Nayeon informed. Tzuyu couldn't help but smile when she knew Mina created a sorority... and Japanese.

And so she continued, "Anyway, skip to the part that we're already formed together. Somewhere across the other side of Busan, we were located there. Life for us was bright and fun. Our families even befriended each other and allowed us to go and live together. We basically treated each other like sisters."

Nayeon paused and her smiling face faded. She looked down the floor. As for the other girls, they knew this was the hard part to explain. So, Jeongyeon stepped in and added,

"But... it isn't like that anymore. Tzuyu, whatever information we tell you after this, you will not go out to disclose any of it, do you understand me?"

Tzuyu nodded.

"Okay, good. Uh, another thing that we do as a group, we do self-described charity cases. In other words, we do stuff with clean intentions... but the stuff we do are kind of bad. Though, you will eventually understand us, I swear. So, to put it in the simplest way possible, we stole goods or products from other sorority groups," Jeongyeon slowed down. The tall girl's eyes enlarged.

"I know what you're thinking but I'll get straight to the explanation. These sorority groups are the bad guys here. They stole things first. They stole from innocent citizens for their own benefit. You know how ladies roll, 'ONLINE SHOPPING!'. But to them it's 'business'."

"How did you guys know they were stealing, though?," Tzuyu asked.

"People report on telephone calls, police stations, and even online. I mean, Mina was one of the call center agents back then. That's where she got the idea of 'Robin Hood Mission', which later on she programmed a system that also gets reports from the citizens not just in the telephone but in emails and all those stuff as well," Nayeon answered.

In The Middle of Nowhere (A TWICE/MiTzu AU)Where stories live. Discover now