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[Tzuyu's P.O.V.]


I took a taxi immediately before getting caught by any people who would wake up soon.

After getting dropped off at the airport, I hesitated for a bit.

I didn't really want to leave. A huge part of me wanted to turn around and go back home to my unnies.

But that's when it hit me. Mina would never have me leave like that, right? She would not have agreed to that if she did have not anything planned. As I've said, I trust Mina-unnie.

'There's got to be something here,' I thought as I wait on the benches at this airport. 'They must be watching me right now through the cameras.'

That's gotta be right. If I board on this plane, their plan might go well. And technically, their plan is also my plan. After all, I'm still a part of TWICE no matter what.

I heard my flight number from the announcer. I stood up and started walking on the boarding pass.

'Here goes nothing.'

I stepped inside the plane and went over to my seat. 

Then the last thing I could remember was that I was being suffocated; or at least, that's what it felt like.


I could hear my heart beating. Slowly, I opened my eyes. My sight shifted its focus for a bit, but it eventually became clear.

'What happened?,' I thought to myself. I scanned the room around to see it empty. There were no other persons other than me.

I tried move, but I realized I was still stuck on this chair. How nice. It felt like deja vu.

My mind was trying to recall the events that happened, 'I woke up with five girls in front of me. That was really weird, 'cause last time they were seven.'

I bit my lip as I tried to remember some more.

'Irene was the most familiar one. So, I guess they were Red Velvet. Then, she made me do a video call through Skype... and...' I widened my eyes when a voice started to ring a bell.




Was it true? Was that really Mina?

The recalled voice lit a spark in me. It suddenly gave me the drive to escape this thing.

All my days in that warehouse, my unnies had always done their best to protect me and take care of me. I had always depended on them even on days when I did not want to. A part of me would always have that bit of a pride where I would do the same for them. And so far, I haven't done anything but cause trouble.

This time, I'm saving myself. In order to save them after.

I looked around to find something that can help me escape this chair. Right in the leftmost side of the room was my bag placed on a wooden table. I carried my chair as mighty as I can by shoving myself towards the direction of where my bag was. Since I was tied up, it was difficult to actually move the whole chair. I kept on putting force with my weight to move it, it was actually working to my surprise.

My body was already aching from the tightness of the ropes. I still struggled through just to reach the table.

But I probably overdid it. As I made my one last hoopla, the chair went out of balance and fell like it tripped from something. My knees caught the biggest pang from the fall. I immediately turned to the side so that my head won't hit the floor.

In The Middle of Nowhere (A TWICE/MiTzu AU)Where stories live. Discover now