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[Tzuyu's P.O.V.]

I mean, isn't it kind of crazy to like someone you do not know the story of?

Mina hasn't said a word to me. I'm hoping that there will come a day that she might. Then again, I don't really know Mina. I don't even know her full name, erm, all of their full names.

Why do I have to have feelings now out of all opportunities back then? Gosh, I don't even know what love is anymore.

The girls and I are on our way back to our house. Speaking of which, we're actually very lucky because it seems like Dahyun and Chaeyoung haven't found anything suspicious going around the house. So, I guess that's good. My birthday was a good luck charm.

"Oh, Tzuyu! We still have individual gifts for you back home," Dahyun said. I just nodded and smiled in return.

That is somehow heartwarming. Though I didn't really ask for gifts (the heck would I know that they know when my birthday is), I am still grateful deep inside. They're really not kidding when they said that they are welcoming me with open arms. This is definitely such a glo-up of my life.

As we arrived home, the unnies went to help with the camping items used. Mina and I went inside first. Sana entered after us and rushed towards a big bag that was sitting on top of the dining table... which I never knew they put something there. The other girls entered afterwards with all the stuff.

"Here, ooh-!," Sana tripped a bit, almost dropping the big bag.

"Yah, be careful!," Jeongyeon laughed.

I looked at the huge bag full of wrapped presents. I asked, "How come it's on the dining table?"

"Because somebody here forgot to bri-," Momo spoke but got stopped as Sana put a big piece of bread in her mouth.

Sana finished the sentence, "It's a surprise, of course!"

I laughed along with the other girls. Sana seems to be the real clumsy one in the group. And her closeness with Momo is undoubtedly cute. If only Mina can start speaking to me already.

Speaking of the devil, Mina joined us as she sat on the floor. The other unnies also gathered around me with Nayeon and Jihyo beside me on the couch.

"Mine first!," Nayeon insisted. She grabbed a tiny present. It looks as if it was in a box. As she rips the wrapper off, it really is.

"Okay, I'll go from here now," I chuckled as I snatched the box from her.

"Okay, okay, sorry. I just got excited," she smiled.

"Nayeon-unnie got me..." I opened the present to see a bunch of papers. "Uh... what are these?"

"They are coupons!"

"Coupons for what exactly?"

"Ya know, for these awesome online shopping sites. I highly recommend you using the sites that are offered by the coupons, if that isn't obvious."

"Oh," I was definitely surprised yet I laughed internally. "Thank you, unnie for recommending me these online shopping sites."

Nayeon just gave me a thumbs up. The next one to pull out her gift was Jihyo. I'm actually excited for her gift since she's the leader.

It was a new bath towel and a new blanket.

"I wanted to give you more of practical things that you can use," Jihyo smiled.

"I love it!," which I really do, by the way. The blanket was pink and fluffy and the bath towel has a large dog print on it.

Jeongyeon reluctantly gave hers with a shy smile.

In The Middle of Nowhere (A TWICE/MiTzu AU)Where stories live. Discover now