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[Tzuyu's P.O.V.]


There was a girl in a white dress who always appeared in the events when my parents were dying. I couldn't remember much. She was there beside me as I was waiting for the doctor's update. She was the one who left me a tray of food at midnight because she knew how long I have waited on that seat. She was also there the day after the doctor informed me that they couldn't make it; it was the day that I was just sitting on my front porch and the girl was across the street. And alas, she was there on their funeral, way distant from us.

I couldn't remember her face. I was too traumatized to even remember anything in that memory.

But I wish I could have thanked her.


I woke up and that was a pretty bizarre flashback dream. Seemed like I've noticed the person before but never really admitted that I have noticed her until last night. As I opened my eyes, the first thing in sight was a sleeping Mina. The view looked so heavenly and so peaceful.

Ever since I got tied up, I could not ever resist to admire this girl's beauty. It's such an interesting thought to have, especially for a girl. Sure, there were a lot of pretty girls I've seen, but Mina's aura caught my attention the greatest. It is probably her silent demeanor which keeps me intrigued. And now that we're going to sleep in the same room from now on, it excites me.

As I sat up from our bed, Mina's eyes opened. I looked at her and smiled, "Seems like we're the first ones up."

She smiled back and nodded. Her sleepy face looks cute. What the heck am I thinking?

I stood up and walked out of the room. Mina followed me afterwards. She held my hand and led me outside the warehouse excitingly. I wonder what came into her mind. As we both stepped out on the warehouse porch, she motioned me to come closer to her. I gladly followed.

Mina just looked at the view. And I looked as well. Then there she showed me; beautiful green fields with splashing colors of orange, yellow, and red added to its background. The scenery before us is better than I would have ever imagined.

"I have always dreamed to see this... The sunrise. With the person I love," I said in awe. Mina turned to me and as I looked at her, I flinched in surprise. I added immediately, "Not that it's you. I-I mean no offense, though... y-you can be... but.. but.. of course I wouldn't just-..."

She just continued to stare at me. I knew I just rambled. After a few seconds of silence, she just laughed. That's the first time I ever heard a sound out of her. I guess she's not mute, after all.

I breathed in deeply and let it out, "It was just a thought, okay?"

Mina nodded in response. Well, she might not talk to me any sooner. At least, I made her laugh.

After the sun had completely risen and the sky turned blue, Jihyo was now awake and was calling us with a bell she kept ringing. Mina walked inside and I followed.

"You two!," Jihyo called us. "I see you're already awake. Hmm, keep up the good punctuality. Mina, you did a good one on this girl. Tzuyu, stay in tact with Mina. Seems like she trusts you a lot."

"Oh! Yes, ma'am!," I answered. The leader just chuckled.

Mina went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The other ladies gathered to the table and I was left standing at a distance from where they are. I could have joined them, but it seems like the table and chairs are really just good for eight only. And maybe I'm not welcome in their meal together.

In The Middle of Nowhere (A TWICE/MiTzu AU)Where stories live. Discover now