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[Third Person P.O.V.]

Mina climbed up a ladder and onto the roof. The maknae followed. Still with mesmerized eyes, Tzuyu wondered why she never saw the chest before when the three of them were fixing up the house. And she just realized that she whispered her thoughts and the older girl heard it.

She sat down waiting for the silent girl to set up the telescope.

After a short while, Mina wrote something on the note to give to her, "I hid it well, btw. I knew you'd clean up the house."

"How did you know about that!?," Tzuyu exclaimed. The shorter girl just chuckled.

"not @ me constantly texting dahyun and chaeyoung how u were..."

The taller girl just burst out of laughter. Mina hid her head on her hands, blushing. Tzuyu patted her shoulder saying, "Yah! Okay! I'm not mad!"

The silent girl pouted as the girl beside her who finished out a tiny chuckle. She did not mind a laughing Tzuyu, though. When she's with her, everything is at peace.

Mina gestured Tzuyu to use the telescope. She gladly accepted the gift.

She was awed seeing all the beauty above her. Mina smiles with all the 'Wow's and 'Woah's Tzuyu kept giving after every angle she looks into. 

"This..." Tzuyu sat back down. "Who knew out of all of what's happening in your lives, erm, technically our lives right now, there are wonders in the sky looking down at us. And we fail to see them among our troubles."

She was not making it all up. The words she told the smaller girl are definitely what she felt looking at the stars, the moon, the mist in the skies, the planets, and all wondrous figures seen above. She's amazed by the fact that they are all engulfed by the beauty of everything else in this world. It excites her that when all of this commotion is over, she would want to see the world once more with her unnies. With Mina.

"I understand now."

Mina turned to her, anticipating on what she has to say.

"I don't know why you don't speak, but I'd like to assume it's because of this. Everything is so chaotic nowadays. And you don't want to add up to the noise of this heck of a world, that's why you stay quiet. Now, I definitely understand why we have to keep our mouths shut once in a while. I mean, look at this!," she points out the sky.

The girl beside her looks above.

"I always have something to say. Even when I was alone, I talk to my dog or to myself. It's hard for me to shut up now because ever since my parents died, I've always craved for someone to listen."

Tzuyu paused for a few minutes to watch the evening skies and to take a breath.

"But wow, Mina, you really made me speechless, tonight."

The both of them knew they deserve the world. They probably even knew that they deserve each other.

Unfortunately, it doesn't end here. And Mina knows that. That's why she gave the gift now; so that Tzuyu and her other unnies have something to look forward to when this is all over. She never really stopped thinking about Tzuyu and how she's stuck in this mess she herself caused. She just feels really guilty, but of course, she is aware that there's something more to that.

Which is why she's onto her next step of her plan.

After minutes of silence and watching of galaxies, Tzuyu decides to break the ice once again, "This is the best gift ever, Mina-unnie. Thank you."

In The Middle of Nowhere (A TWICE/MiTzu AU)Where stories live. Discover now