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[Third Person P.O.V.]

"TZUYU, THIS IS TOO MUCH WORK!," the two yelled together.

"Oh please, whose fault is that, huh?," I nagged. "Can we please just get these over with? I'm already done cleaning all the rooms. Now all that's left is outside these rooms which are, well, almost every area in this big hall."

The other two ladies groaned. Chaeyoung went out side to place the big trash bin that Tzuyu bought and disposing there all the trash they have collected from their cleaning so far. Meanwhile, Dahyun began sweeping the floor of the living area.

Tzuyu, on the other hand, was dusting all furniture. She then stopped what she's doing to a shelf that she was going to dust next. Curiously, the tall girl looked closely to the framed photos of the eight girls in their past years.

'Huh,' Tzuyu thought. 'They looked like a legitimate sorority family here. And now they're just... undercover spies.'

Stuck in the train of thought, she sneezed and continued dusting. She never really knew how close the eight really are. Her heart was touched and she hopes that they can have a photograph together with her someday. Smiling, she wipes all the frames and figurines placed on the shelf with a damped towel. 

The tall girl was right. She really is a cleaning master. Before she knew it, she was already done dusting and cleaning all furniture. Now all she has to do is help Dahyun and Chaeyoung clean the floor and walls.

"Thanks, Tzuyu," Chaeyoung smiled as the taller girl carried the bucket of water where the mop goes in. 

"So, Chaeyoungie, how did you get in this sorority?"

"That's actually a funny story," she laughed. The tall girl nodded, letting her know that she'll listen anyway. "Oh, you're serious! Okay, umm... The three Japanese became my classmates in 10th Grade. They were wildly popular in our school back in the day. I was best friends with Dahyun. One lunch time, the three girls sat with me and Dahyun. They introduced themselves and, considering their popularity, Dahyun and I still conversed with them. Later in the day, Mina-unnie came up to me. And..."

Chaeyoung just laughed as she continued mopping the floor. Tzuyu looked at her puzzled and yelled, "And what!?"

"Oh, right! So, Mina-unnie came up to me saying, 'Chaeyoung, I heard you have a crush on me.' which was totally weird. I actually never knew who told her that but yeah, I had a huge crush on Mina that time. After that, she invited me and Dahyun to join their group. The both of us never knew we joined a sorority until Mina stopped having an interest in me..."

The smaller girl paused as she saw Tzuyu's eyes widening. She noticed the gulp that she did and so, she continued explaining,

"It's not that Mina and I ever dated. It was really just a trick for me and Dahyun to get in to their sorority. It was actually quite creative. But anyway, after she stopped bringing me gifts and starting conversations  with me, she explained her part and apologized. Then soon after, I got over her. And now we're here mopping this dirty floor," Chaeyoung gave Tzuyu a big smile. The taller one smiled back and gently put down the bucket since they were done. 

Tzuyu does not know why she kind of didn't like the thought of Mina courting Chaeyoung. Though, she is relieved that it was all a trick. She was being childish, she thought. Tzuyu came to the conclusion that she just thought it was weird for Mina to court somebody because of her introversion and few-word replies. She sighed.

Dahyun entered the warehouse after she threw the trash bag full of garbage in the big trash bin outside. She said to Tzuyu while panting, "Tell me we're done. Just please tell me."

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