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"LET'S ALL GIVE TZUYU A KISS!," Nayeon yelled. Everybody else agreed with her.

One by one, the members started kissing Tzuyu. May they be on the cheek or on the forehead. The birthday girl was also excited for this kind of gift she would receive from them. She smiled at each kiss on her face. 

One kiss led to another until there was only one person left who has yet to give her lips to.

The other seven girls were secretly excited about Mina's consideration to this action. They know it is not something she would normally do on an occasional basis nor even ever. So, if she does what they expect her to do, then it will be an entirely new phenomenon for TWICE. 

Mina, an introverted genius who looks cold on the inside, will finally be a softie. Let alone, a softie towards their youngest member.

"Yah, Tzuyu, Mina-unnie hasn't given you a kiss," Chaeyoung giggled. She wiggled her eyebrows to the quiet girl, signaling her that it's her moment.

Tzuyu looks at Mina with hopeful eyes. She thought, 'Would she even dare to?'

The older girl takes a step forward. She grabs the taller girl's head and kisses her on the forehead.

And though it was a subtle yet gentle and friendly kiss, it did not fail to give the celebrator the butterflies. So as Mina. 

TWICE celebrated afterwards with a barbecue which Jihyo, Jeongyeon, and Nayeon are in charge of. The younger ones ate the cake, leaving some for the three cooks. Tzuyu decided to sit in between Dahyun and Chaeyoung which are seated around the campfire. Sana, Momo, and Mina joined them as well.

"I really can't thank you guys enough," the maknae is at loss for words. She continued, "I didn't even know that you guys knew. Do you do this all the time, surprising peoples' birthday?"

They all shook their heads in synchrony. Momo answered, "We never really do it. Even celebrations, we really don't. Last month, it was actually Dahyun's birthday."

"Oh, right! It was Dahyun's birthday a few weeks ago and almost none of us didn't even greet her," Jeongyeon shortly laughed.

"Really?," Tzuyu raised an eyebrow. "Aren't birthdays supposed to be a big deal especially you guys are a tight group?"

"We kinda don't celebrate it anymore since...," Chaeyoung paused. "...well, since we started living in danger."

"You were in luck, actually, Tzuyu-ah," Jihyo joined in the conversation while flipping the barbecue on the grill. "We tried asking if Dahyun wanted to go out on her birthday. She said that she just wanted to spend the day at home with you and Chaeyoung."

"I'm confused."

"It was the day you three redid the house. The only material gift she asked from us unnies is to have a new table where you can sit and eat with us."

Tzuyu faced Dahyun and smiled. She said, "You really stayed for me?"

"Hey, the renovation of the warehouse was unplanned!," Dahyun's eyes widened. Then she hugged Tzuyu from the side, "But nevertheless, I'm glad I got to spend my birthday with you."

The small girl on the other side of Tzuyu coughs.

"Alright, and Chaeyoung as well," the tofu rolled her eyes and laughed.

They all shared laughter together.

"Your best friends love you so much, Tzuyu," Sana grinned. "We're actually glad Jihyo gave them permission to feed you and check up on you every night."

Jihyo replied, "Yah! Don't make it seem like I'm the bad guy!"

The taller girl asked, "Wait... you guys knew about them checking up on me every night?"

In The Middle of Nowhere (A TWICE/MiTzu AU)Where stories live. Discover now