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[Third Person P.O.V.]

Tzuyu knew she would have to wait for another week to execute her exciting plan. Since the incident last Sunday, she had been thinking about it. She is already used to them not being complete on weekdays; just in evenings. The unnies had told her that they always go on patrol everyday on the weekdays. Now that today's the start of another weekend, she can finally have some time to bond with her unnies.

"Where's Mina?," were her first words in the morning. She asked Samo and Dubchaeng about the whereabouts of Mina who mysteriously was not there when she woke up. The four did not know.

The tall girl walked to the older unnies, Jeongyeon and Nayeon, to ask them. They did not know either. Tzuyu sighed and Jihyo went to comfort her, "Hey, if it helps, Mina has been doing this. Sneaking out in some time while we're sleeping. Though, it has been a while since she last sneaked out. Ever since you were here, she hasn't been doing that lately. Well... until now, of course. But she always comes home safe, in the end. Don't worry."

It's not like it's for Tzuyu to worry about. Maybe it's because she just wanted to hang out with Mina today since they've been pretty busy over the weekdays. Not a minute after, Jeongyeon stood up.

"Come on, Jihyo."

"Wait, where are you going?," the maknae asked.

"Oh, Jihyo and I are going to get more supplies for Dubchaeng to work with," Jeongyeon answered.

"But, I wanted to hang out with you, guys," Tzuyu pleaded.

"We can hang out next time, Chewy," Jeongyeon gave her an assuring smile. Jihyo followed her outside and they went.

Tzuyu sighed once again. She knew she shouldn't let this make her sad. And so, she approached Sana and Momo. The two were just having a casual conversation. When they noticed Tzuyu, Sana grabs a chair in between them and gestured Tzuyu to come sit with them.

"Glad you could join us!," Momo smiled.

"Yeah, well, it would have been all nine of us if three of them didn't go out," Tzuyu said with a long face.

Sana just patted her shoulder and said, "Sorry about that. We know that we've been pretty busy that we don't really have a lot of time to even get to know you better. But since Dahyun and Chaeyoung know you a lot now and you're here, the three of us can bond."

The youngest agreed. She thought about what to say or what to ask to her two unnies. She was not really ready for any deep or personal questions they might ask her, so she had to think right away what to talk about. After putting a lot of thoughts into it, she came up with an idea what to ask them.

"Sana-unnie, how did you get the idea of having the sorority? You were co-founders with Mina and Momo, right?," Tzuyu curiously asked.

Sana answered, "Ah, well, since Momo and I came to Korea, Mina welcomed us with open arms in her flat. Just literally two days after, she proposed to us the idea of creating a sorority. At first, we were really scared 'cause.. who doesn't get scared of sororities? But then she explained to us that we won't be too traditional about it. Eventually, we agreed."

"Oh, then when or-or how did you start this Robin Hood thing?"

"If you must know," Momo answered for that question. "It was actually Mina's plan all along. Before she even got to befriend us, her nerd brain had been figuring out about those thieves. I guess, she just wanted to genuinely help people. That's why we're all in this together. As long as it is for the innocents."

They laughed. The younger unnie added, "Don't tell Mina we told you this, okay? I don't really think she wants to be regarded as a community hero since, you know, her life's really private."

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