New student

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???: Hi my name is Lucas and i hope we can be friends!

Teacher: Lucas you can sit next to Y/N.

Y/N: But teacher Yeri is sitting next to me!

Teacher: It's okay Yeri can sit with someone else.

Y/N: But why can't new student sit with someone else?

Teacher: ENOUGH! He will sit with you!

Lucas: So you're name is Y/N?
The new guy said after he sat down next to me.

Y/N: Yes...

Lucas: Well i'm Lucas nice to meet you.

Y/N: Yeah i already know your name i heard you the first time you said it i'm not deaf.

Lucas: Well someone is in the bad mood today...And that was rude.

Y/N: I know it was rude... I'm sorry and you're right i am in the bad mood today.

Lucas: If you don't mind answering me.. Why are you in the bad mood?

Y/N: Well my best friend, her name is Yeri, is sick. She usually sits with me but today she is sick and now i have to sit with you... Plus she is my childhood friend and only friend..

Lucas: Well we can change that.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Lucas: I can be your new friend if you want of course.

Y/N: Sure why not?

I looked around the classroom and saw Wooyoung looking at me... He seemed mad...

~time skip~
Class ended and i went to my locker. I saw Lucas following me. I stopped at my locker and he did the same.

Y/N: Are you following me or something?

Lucas: No my locker is here.

Y/N: Oh your locker is right next to mine... my bad.
I said and chuckled feeling embarrassed.

Lucas: It's fine you didn't do anything.
He laughed and i laughed too.

Wooyoung came to us.

Wooyoung: What's so funny? I want to laugh too.

Lucas: Who are you?

Wooyoung: I'm Wooyoung.

Lucas: Are you Y/Ns boyfriend? Just wondering because you seem jelous of us laughing together.

Wooyoung: What if i am her boyfriend?

Y/N: Wooyoung what the heck are you talking about? Don't worry Lucas he is not my boyfriend he deserves someone much better than me he said it himself. He is just a bully...

Wooyoung: Just a bully? I'm most popular guy in the school!

Y/N: Yeah whatever. Should we go to our next class Lucas?

Lucas: Sure.

Wooyoung: Wait! Are you guys friends?

Y/N and Lucas: Yes.

Wooyoung: I can't believe nerd made some friends! I mean he is nerd as well so it's not that unbelievable...

Y/N: Wooyoung stop!

I walked away from him and went to the bathroom.

Lucas: Are you okay in there?

Y/N: Yeah i'm fine i just need to wash my face to calm down.

Lucas: Oh okay..

I washed my face and walked out of the bathroom. I saw Lucas standing in front of the door. He was waiting for me.

Lucas: Why is he bullying you?

Y/N: I don't know maybe because he is stupid.

Lucas: Can you handle him alone?

Y/N: He is not always bullying me...For example today at the lunch time i didn't want to sit alone in the cafeteria so i decided to go to the roof. He was already there and we talked whole lunch. He seemed like a normal guy so i thought  after that he will stop bullying me but never mind he didn't.

Lucas: I'm sorry for you...

We went to our next class.

~time skip~
School ended and i went home. When i got home i texted Yeri and told her everything that happend.
Yeri❤: aww man it was crazy day! I wish i was there

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter i'm trying to upload as much as i can. Maybe this chapter was boring... If it was i'm sorry. And i'm sorry if there are any mistakes one more time english is not my first language so yeah... xoxo

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