I like him?

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Y/N: Okay. I'll go. But we better go somewhere good!

Wooyoung: Don't worry I won't dissapoint you.

The bell rang and you went to class. You sat next to Yeri.

Yeri: So what did Wooyoung want to talk about?

Y/N: Wait... How do you know?

Yeri: Lucas told me.

Y/N: Of course he is gonna tell you. Well Wooyoung asked me to hang out again since last time while we were hanging out your mother texted me and we came to the hospital. So now he wants to hang out again and he said it's gonna be better than the last time.

Yeri: I'm sorry I ruined your date.
She said and chuckled.

Y/N: Don't worry your health is more impor- wait! Date? It wasn't a date!

Yeri: Okay. Whatever you say.

Teacher: Yeri, Y/N stop talking!

Yeri, Y/N: Sorry Miss.

Teacher: So today we are choosing project partners. Actually I am choosing not you, so don't get your hopes up. Hmm let's see...
Lucas and Yeri, Yunho and Yeosang.........
And lastly Y/N and Wooyoung.

I knew it! Is this some kind of wattpad story? I'm being partnered with my ex bully. Ugh why??? It just had to be him!

After class ended Wooyoung came to you.

Wooyoung: So we'll do project at my house.
Y/N: Why not mine?

Wooyoung: Because Yunho and Yeosang will do their project in your house. And my parents are not home this week, so we'll have our privacy.

Y/N: Okay when will we start?

Wooyoung: We won't do it tommorow cause we'll hang out, so maybe today?

Y/N: Ummm...okay i guess. The sooner the better.

Wooyoung: But we have to stop at the store to buy things we need.

Y/N: You don't have markers in your house?

Wooyoung: Not really...

Y/N: Okay.
You said and sighed.

After school ended you told Lucas that you'll go to Wooyoungs house for a project. You were by your locker waiting for Wooyoung to arrive.

Y/N: Finally.

Wooyoung: Someone's impatient to see me huh?

Y/N: Yeah definitely. Let's go.

After a couple of minutes you arrived in front of Wooyoungs house. It was big, really big. You had no idea he is this rich. You're not poor either but this. Wow!

Wooyoung: I didn't buy paper!!

Y/N: What? How? Where will we write??

Wooyoung: I need to go back to the store. Here's the key unlock the house and make yourself at home. I'll be back in 5 minutes.
He gave you his keys and left.

Well okay. He trusts me. I would never give him my house keys. Well let's see if this house is good inside. You unlocked the door. When you came in you couldn't believe it. It was like a castle. I had no idea this kid is this rich! Well tommorow he'll pay for everything, he has more than enough money. I won't even bring money with me. Ooo this picture looks like it's more expensive that my whole room. I should be careful not to break something though. You opened every door there is searching for Wooyoungs room. Why are there so many rooms? He has like 3 bathrooms? Who needs that many  bathrooms? After some time you finally found his room. I guess this is his room. It's nothing special though. Just casual boys room. Kinda similar to my brothers, just it's more expensive. You hear someone open the front door. That must be Wooyoung.

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