For you

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Your alarm woke you up. Ugh it's Monday. You thought as you got up. You did your morning routine. You got dressed and went downstairs. You saw your mother.

Y/N: Good morning mom.

Mom: Good morning Y/N.

Y/N: Did Yunho leave already?

Mom: Yes, he left 10 minutes ago.

Y/N: Well i gotta go too. Bye mom!

You waved at your mother and got outside. You saw Lucas' car coming closer. He stopped and you got in.

Lucas: Right on time!
Lucas said and smiled.

Y/N: Yeri isn't here?

Lucas: Nope. She told me her father will drive her to school.

Y/N: What do you think you'll get from the project?

Lucas: I hope for A but i don't know. You?

Y/N: Yeah, same.

After 5 minutes you arrived in front of the school. You got in and went to your lockers. You got your books and started walking to class.

Y/N: Oh Lucas i forgot to tell you something.

Lucas: Hmm?

Y/N: I'll tell you when we get inside the classroom.

You opened the door and sat in your seat waiting for Yeri. Lucas sat behind you. You turned around to face him.

Y/N: So Lucas...umm... i don't know how to say it.

Lucas: Just say it. Spit it out!

Y/N: Okay okay i'm dating Wooyoung.

Lucas: Wait really?
Lucas said shocked.

Y/N: Yes!

Lucas: How? When?
He said confused.

Y/N: He confessed to me on Saturday.

Lucas: I didn't even know you like him! Why didn't you tell me?!

Y/N: Well i didn't know if i like him either. But the moment he confessed i realized i like him too, and i want to be his girlfriend.

Lucas: Well, i'm really happy for you. He's your first boyfriend right?

Y/N: Yeah.
You said as you looked down, embarressed.

Lucas: If he hurts you just tell me okay?

Y/N: Don't worry. I will.
You said as you chukle.

You heard the door opening and saw Yeri coming towards you.

Yeri: Hey guys!

Y/N and Lucas: Hey!

Yeri: Sooo Y/N does Lucas know?

Y/N: I just told him.

Yeri: I'm so happy for you!!!
She said and hugged you tightly.

Y/N: Looks like i found a boyfriend before you.
You said and laughed.

Yeri: Yeah yeah whatever.
She said and rolled her eyes.

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