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"I'm home." Jeonghan said as he entered their house.

"Heyyyyyyyyy! " Jaewon, who was lazily sitting on the couch, greeted Jeonghan.

Jaewon is Jeonghan's step-sister.

When his mom passed away while he was younger, his father immediately went and found someone. Which is Jaewon's mother, his stepmom.

Jaewon and Jeonghan are close to each other. They're always talking and they often hang out.

But his stepmom?

Jeonghan knows that his stepmom hated him. She wouldn't even talk to him. And if she would, it will only be a short phrase.

Jeonghan didn't really care.

"Hey Jeonghan, cook our food for dinner." His stepmom said.

"I'm sorry but I need to study, I have an exam tomorrow." Jeonghan excused himself and went to his room.

He even heard his stepmom mumbled curse words at him.

And like he said, he didn't really care.

Sighing, he laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

He suddenly remembered the guy he accidentally bumped into.

"What was his name again...?" He mumbled.

He kept thinking and remembering what was the cute guy's name.

"Ah! Choi Seungcheol! Right." He then smiled proudly because he remembered his name.

Jeonghan isn't lying if he says the guy was cute.

He then started reading his books and study.

Hours later,

He finally finished studying for his exam tomorrow.

He suddenly thinked about Seungcheol.

Jeonghan can't help but smile thinking about him.

Okayy, maybe he does KINDA like the guy.

His thoughts was bothered when his stepmom suddenly opened the door.

"Get up. It's dinner time. I thought you were going to study." She mumbled the last thing she said. But Jeonghan clearly heard it.

His stepmom closed the door again.

"I want to get close to him." Jeonghan said before going out of his room to eat dinner.


i'm one of jeongcheol's children.

where's my siblings at????

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