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"So what happened yesterday?" Seokmin said as he sat beside Jeonghan.

"We just ate ice cream." Jeonghan simply answered.

"Y'all didn't talked?" Seokmin asked.

"Of course we did. That would be awkward if we didn't." Jeonghan said and took a bite at his sandwich.

"You guys are friends now?" Seokmin asked.

Jeonghan thought to himself.

We're probably friends now right? I mean we sorta know something about each other now...

"Yeah, I guess." Jeonghan answered.

"That's good to hear." Seokmin said and ate his sandwich too.

"So what do you think about him?"

Jeonghan stopped eating.
What do I think about him??

"He's kind. And a great friend." Jeonghan stated.

That made Seokmin smile.

"Just a friend huh?" Seokmin teased.

"What are you talking about?" Jeonghan nervously chuckled.

"Come ooonnnnnn Jeonghannnnn." Seokmin laughed.

"I don't really know what you feel about him, but either way I don't think it's gonna be that bad."

Jeonghan listened to Seokmin.

"I mean, maybe he can be the one who can make you happy?" Seokmin said.

"I am happy with my family." Jeonghan said. Probably lying.

His stepmom doesn't care about him. His dad is always busy. And Jaewon, yeah they're pretty close but because of their stepmom, not really. So Jeonghan doesn't really feel happy.

"Doesn't seems like it. You know, maybe it is time for you to love again. To be happy again." Seokmin said.

"What if he leaves me like what other people has done to me?" Jeonghan said.

"Did I left you? Did Jisoo left you? No we didn't, maybe he won't leave you too." Seokmin said.

"I don't know." Jeonghan said.

He's really confused right now. He wants to be happy. But he's scared of people leaving him again, and forgetting about him. Yeah he is happy with Jaewon, Jisoo, and Seokmin, but he still feels like something is missing.

"You know, I just want you to be happy." Seokmin smiled at Jeonghan.

Time passed, they already finished their sandwiches and went back to class. Seokmin is in a different class than him. But he is in a class together with Jisoo and Seungcheol.

The teacher already came, but Seungcheol didn't came back. Lunch time was over. Jeonghan became worried. He wanted to ask Jisoo but the class was already starting.

Jeonghan didn't focus on the class and just kept thinking about Seungcheol. Thinking about where is he. Where did he go???

Class ended. Jeonghan immediately asked Jisoo about Seungcheol.

"Seungcheol came home, he wasn't feeling well." Jisoo explained.

That made Jeonghan worry even more.

"Are you going home?" Seokmin said as he stood by the door waiting for Jisoo and Jeonghan to go home.


"Jisoo." Jeonghan called.

"What is it??"

"Can you tell me where Seungcheol lives?"

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