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"Where have you been?! The sun is already down!" That's the first thing Jeonghan heard from his stepmom, once he stepped inside their house.

"I went over to my friend's house, he was sick." Jeonghan reasoned out.

"Oh, so you don't care about your household chores?! You never done anything right!" His stepmom shouted at him.

Then Jaewon came in and saw her mother scolding Jeonghan.

"Mom what are you doing???" Jaewon asked.

"You're oh-so-kind brother here, didn't even bothered going home early!" She shouted.

"Why are you so mad? It was just one mistake." Jaewon whispered to herself.

"It's a good thing that your mother died. Because you're a mistake! A terrible mistake! You never helped me here in the house!!" Jeonghan's stepmom shouted at him again.

Jaewon, who was standing beside Jeonghan, became shocked at what her mother said to Jeonghan.

"Why are you like this?" Jeonghan blurted out. He looked really pissed.

"So now you're talking back to—"

Jeonghan cutted her words.

"Why do you hate me?! I didn't even do anything to you. All I did is to follow your commands and almost done all the chores here, yet you're telling me that I never helped you?!" Jeonghan said.

"And who are you to—"

"You don't have the right to make fun of my mother's death. You don't know the pain she went through. I don't even know why my dad married you." Jeonghan said before going upstairs, to his room specifically.

Jaewon followed Jeonghan and didn't even bothered to look at his mother. She can't believe her mother would say such a thing.

When Jaewon arrived at Jeonghan's room, he was already starting packing his things.

"Jeonghan??!" Jaewon asked.

"If she hated me that much, then it's better if I just leave." Jeonghan stated not even looking at Jaewon.

"How about Dad?" Jaewon asked.

"Take care of him." Jeonghan said and finally looked at her.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Don't hesitate to text me if she hurts you or dad ok?" Jeonghan added.

"Where are you staying??" Jaewon asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I'll just stay over at Seokmin's house. Or I'm just gonna look for an apartment to stay in. " Jeonghan said.

Jeonghan left the room. When he reached the living room where his stepmom was, she was there massaging her temples.

"Don't worry. Your head won't hurt anymore because of me." He said before leaving the house.

He went first at a convenience store. With his bags, he sat at one of the chairs outside the store while eating a sandwich which he bought from the store.

When he was about to leave, he heard someone called his name.

"Jeonghan? What are you doing here???" It was Seungcheol.

"I was just eating. Are you feeling better now?" Jeonghan asked.

"Yeah. Thanks again Jeonghan." Seungcheol frowned when he saw the bags beside Jeonghan.

"Are those bags yours??" Seungcheol asked.

Jeonghan just looked down.

Seungcheol noticed Jeonghan's change of expression.

"Do you wanna come over my house again? It's getting late, it's not safe for you to stay at the streets." Seungcheol said worrying for Jeonghan.

'No it's fine. I'm just gonna go to Jisoo's house. "Jeonghan tried to smile.

"No, you helped me earlier. Let me help you now, I'm worried about you." Hearing that from Seungcheol made Jeonghan's heart beat fast.

He wasn't like this before.

"My mom actually came home. And I told her about you, she'll probably be happy to meet you." Seungcheol smiled.

"You see..." Jeonghan started.

Seungcheol just waited for Jeonghan to say something.

"I left our house because I got in a fight with my stepmom. She made fun of my mom's death so I got mad. I don't think your mom will allow me at your house." Jeonghan explained.

"Then you can stay at our house." Seungcheol said casually with a smile.

Jeonghan looked at him with wide eyes. "Seungcheol?! Are you serious?!"

"I'm damn serious ok? I'm worried about you, why won't you let me help you???" Seungcheol asked.

And there goes Jeonghan's heart beating faster, again.

"So please let me help you ok?" Seungcheol said and smiled at him.

Jeonghan got lost in Seungcheol's smile that he just nodded slowly.

Seungcheol's smile got wider. He took Jeonghan's bags.

"Lets go."

Jeonghan just followed him,

As he is still thinking about Seungcheol's smile earlier.

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