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2 years later...

The couple are in their second year of college. They bought an apartment near their university and moved in together. Meanwhile, Jaewon got a boyfriend and is currently living with him too.

It was currently the weekend, the two are currently cuddled up on the couch with a Disney movie playing on their TV.

Suddenly Jeonghan's phone rang.

Jeonghan got up from Seungcheol's embrace, and took his phone.

An unknown number is calling him.

"Do you know this number?" He asked Seungcheol as he showed him his phone.

"No. Are you gonna answer it?" Seungcheol asked.

"I don't know." Jeonghan said.

"Just try, maybe it's someone you know?" Seungcheol said.

Jeonghan nodded before answering the call.

"Hello? Who is this?" He asked.

"Hello? Jeonghan, it's me."

Jeonghan froze after hearing the person's voice.


The couple are currently inside Seungcheol's car. They're on their way to Jeonghan's old home.

Jeonghan has been quiet the whole ride. When they arrived in front of the house. Jeonghan hesitated to go out. His father had called him earlier to meet and talk to him. His father also told him to bring Seungcheol with him. He was worried on what was his father gonna say to him. Also he kept on thinking if he's also gonna meet his stepmom.

Seungcheol noticed Jeonghan, staring into the house. He held his hand. Jeonghan looked at him.

"It will be alright." Seungcheol smiled. Jeonghan softly smiled back.

"Let's go."

The couple went in front of the house. Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol, he wss still smiling at him. He had a smile that was reassuring Jeonghan that it'll be alright.

Jeonghan knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door opened and it revealed Jeonghan's dad.

Mr. Yoon smiled softly. "You really came." He said. He saw the man beside Jeonghan that was holding his hand.

Mr. Yoon smiled at the sight. "Come in." He said as he opened the door wider for the two of them to enter the house.

The all sat down at the couch on the living room. "Do you want anything? To drink?" Mr. Yoon asked.

"No, it's okay. Dad. " Jeonghan shook his head.

Jeonghan kept on looking around. He was looking if his stepmom is still in the house. Mr. Yoon noticed it.

"Are you looking for your stepmom?" He asked. Jeonghan looked at him.

"We had our divorce last year. So she's not here anymore." He said.

"Is this why you wanted to talk to me?" Jeonghan asked.

"Yes. I found out that you and your sister were telling the truth. She only wanted me for my money. That's why she wanted to get rid of you so bad." He explained with sad expression.

"If you're wondering, how about Jaewon? I took legal actions, and made sure that she won't harm her or you. So basically she's my legal child now too and you're not step siblings anymore. " He said.

"Does Jaewon already know about this?" He asked.

Mr. Yoon nodded. "I talked to her before you." He said. Jeonghan frowned. Why didn't she tell me? He thought.

"Don't be upset about your sister. I told her not to tell you. I also got your number from her." He said.

"Jeonghan..." Mr. Yoon sighed before continuing. "I'm sorry for all the trouble that has happened. I'm sorry for neglecting you. I should have listened to you before. I'm deeply sorry." He said.

Jeonghan felt tears forming in his eyes. Seungcheol put his hand on Jeonghan's shoulder. Giving it a little rub to calm Jeonghan down.

"I had to admit, I was hurt when you took her side. I was hurt when you believed her more than me and Jaewon..." Jeonghan felt his tears coming down his cheeks.

"But you're still my father and you will always be. I forgive you." Jeonghan stood up, and so did Mr. Yoon and they hugged.

Seungcheol softly smiled. He was happy for Jeonghan.

Mr. Yoon broke the hug and cleared his throat. He looked at Seungcheol then at Jeonghan.

"Would you like to introduce the love of your life to me?" He asked.

Jeonghan chucked and went to Seungcheol who is now standing as well. He held Seungcheol's hand, smiled at him before turning to his father.

"Dad, meet Seungcheol. My boyfriend." Jeonghan smiled.

Mr. Yoon noticed that as Jeonghan was introducing Seungcheol, the boy was smiling dearly at his son.

Mr. Yoon smiled.

Seungcheol bowed. "Hello Mr.Yoon, it's nice to finally meet you." Seungcheol said.

"Well, nice to meet you too." Mr. Yoon took his right hand out to offer a handshake and Seungcheol gladly accepted it.

"I heard from Jaewon that you were the one who helped them before. Thank you. I hope you take good care of my son and love him the most, okay?" Mr. Yoon said.

Seungcheol smiled at Jeonghan before answering Mr. Yoon.

"Of course Mr. Yoon." He said.

"Drop the formalities and just call me 'dad'." Mr. Yoon chuckled and so as Seungcheol.

Mr. Yoon then turned to his son. "Jeonghan, when I talked to Jaewon, I heard that it was Seungcheol's parents that are paying for your college fees and so as Jaewon's." He said.

"I asked her to talk to them and say that from now on I'll take care of you and Jaewon." He added.

Jeonghan nodded. "So if you need anything, just ask me." Mr. Yoon said.

Jeonghan hugged his father again. "Thank you, Dad." He said.

They broke the hug. "You two better get going now." He said as he guided the couple out of the house.

Once they were in front of Seungcheol's car, "Oh and by the way...." Mr. Yoon said.

The couple turned to him. "If you both have time, maybe we should go out for dinner. Together with Jaewon and her boyfriend. You could also bring your parents Seungcheol. Mr. Yoon smiled.

"We'll take note of that, Dad. Thanks! See you. " Jeonghan said as Seungcheol opened the door to the passenger seat. Jeonghan got in the car.

Before Seungcheol got in the car, Jeonghan waved goodbye to his father.

"Drive safely, Seungcheol. Take care." Mr. Yoon reminded.

"Will do, dad." Seungcheol said as he got in the car.

And the couple drove off.

While driving, Seungcheol noticed that Jeonghan was happily smiling.

"I'm happy for you." He said as he held Jeonghan's hand.

Jeonghan kissed his cheek, "Thank you, Cheollie. For staying with me." He said.

"Of course. Anything for you, Hannie."

epilogue next huhu

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