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"Hey Han, you ready?" Seungcheol asked. He's at the living room, waiting for Jeonghan. They're about to go to school, but Jeonghan is still getting ready.

"Just a minute!" Jeonghan shouted from his room.

Seungcheol took the time waiting for him and went on checking his phone.

While on his phone, he saw what the date is.

"I'm ready!" He turned and saw Jeonghan all ready for school.

"Ok then lets go!"

*time skip*

Jeonghan is currently on his way to where his old home was. The sun was about to go down.

He already told Seungcheol that he's gonna go home late.

He didn't really wanna go, but Jaewon called him earlier after his last period, saying that his father wants to talk to him.

And if he was being honest,

He's really nervous right now.

Once he arrived at the front of their house, his eyes widened. He felt confused.

His father, stepmom was there.

Jaewon was also there but she was with her bag and suitcase. And she was in tears.

His father finally saw him.

"Good thing you arrived. Where are you staying now?" His father asked.

"That doesn't matter. What's happening here? Why is Jaewon with her suitcase?!" Jeonghan asked.

"Take her with you. We don't need her anymore. " He stepmom said casually.

"What are you talking about?!" Jeonghan shouted at her. He got furious at her.

Then suddenly he felt his father's fist across his face and he landed on the ground.

He heard Jaewon screaming his name.

"How could you betray me like that?! How could you disrespect your mother like that?!!" His father said.

Jeonghan looked at him angrily and got up.

"She's not my mom. The last time I checked, my mom doesn't hate me and treats me like a maid, just like what this woman does." Jeonghan said furiously and pointed at his stepmom.

"She told me that you slapped her and disrespected her before you left!!" His father said.

By this time, Jaewon didn't hesitate to come beside her stepbrother.

"I didn't know that you would believe her, instead of your own son. I left because I can bear with her! She's always angry at me orders me around even if I'm busy because of school." Jeonghan was really furious and mad at his own father.

"I didn't do anything to her. I always follow her commands. Yet, She made fun of mom's death, and blamed me for it." Jeonghan added.

His stepmom was angry as well.

"Hon, he's just stating lies—" His stepmom stopped from what she was gonna say when Jaewon spoke up.

"No he's not! He's saying the truth! You always treated him badly. D-Dad... I tried explaining to you the truth yet you still believed her." Jaewon said.

"Even you Jaewon... You're gonna betray me for your evil stepbrother?!" His stepmom said and acted as if she was crying.

His dad tried comforting her which made him even mad.

"Mom... I love you. But I can't just let you hurt Jeonghan, he's my brother and he takes good care of me. Specially when you're busy spending dad's money.." Jaewon said and even emphasized her last sentence.

"Jaewon stop! You two, go and leave. I don't wanna see you both again." Their dad said angrily.

Jeonghan went and grabbed Jaewon's suitcase.

"Don't worry, I'll be more than happy to take her away from the both of you. She doesn't deserve to be in the same house as you." Jeonghan said.

"You're the one who ruined thie family." Her stepmom said. Now she wasn't crying anymore.

Jeonghan looked at her in disbelief.

"Well I'm sorry. But the last time I checked, ever since dad married you, I never felt like this was a family at all. I only consider Jaewon as my family now." Jeonghan said and then he looked at Jaewon.

He noticed that she has a few bruises at her arm.

"Let's go." He said softly and then they left.

The siblings stopped at a convenience store.

They sat there and ate.

"Jeonghan..." Jaewon softly called her older brother. Jeonghan looked at her and hummed as a response.

"What are we gonna do now? Where did you even stay when you were away?" Jaewon asked.

"I stayed at a friend's house." Jeonghan said. He saw Jaewon's bruises again. It made him feel bad because she probably got it from either his dad or stepmom when he was away.

"Who?" Jaewon asked.

"S-Seungcheol." He hesitated on saying who it was. Because he remembered talking about Seungcheol with her sister.

Jaewon smirked hearing who it was. Because she knows her older brother likes that guy.

But that smirk disappeared when she remembered their situation right now.

"Where are we going to stay now?" Jaewon asked.

Jeonghan thought about it. He can't just go back to Seungcheol's house and say Hey Cheol I'm home with my sister, I hope you and your mom don't mind if she also stays here.

That's just too much. Seungcheol already done a lot for him.

Suddenly, Jeonghan's phone ringed.

And it showed Seungcheol's name on the screen.

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