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"Alright, that's all for today. See you on Monday, Class." The professor said as he dismissed his class.

Jeonghan cheered in his head as he packed his things up. It was Friday, he didn't have any important things to do. So he'll spend the whole weekend to be with his boyfriend.

Exiting his homeroom excitedly, he had a huge smile on his face. He went to his locker to store back his books. And after that, his phone rang. He took it and Seungcheol's nickname was seen on the screen.


He smiled before answering the call.

"Hey Cheol!"

"Hey Hannie! Where are you?"

"I'm at my locker, why?"

"Oh okay! Wait for me there, then we'll go somewhere."

"Really?! Alright.."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

Then they ended their call. Jeonghan stood by his locker and waited for his boyfriend. A few minutes later, someone approached him.

He turned to his left thinking that it was Seungcheol.

But no.

It was someone else. It was a guy, that seems new to Jeonghan's sight.

"Umm... May I help you?" Jeonghan asked. He noticed the guy was holding a rose. The guy stiffened.

"H-Hey... My name is Hyuwon. I've noticed you so many times here. And I found you very attractive. I just.... W-Wanted to know... Y-Your name???" He hesitantly asked.

Jeonghan was a little shocked to hear the guy's mini confession. Just as he was going to answer, a voice was heard from behind.

"His name is Jeonghan." Jeonghan turned around and saw Seungcheol with a serious face on and his hands were in his pockets. He slowly walked and stood beside Jeonghan.

"And he's mine." Seungcheol said as he put his hand on Jeonghan's shoulder.

Seungcheol looked at the guy, he looked embarrassed he was trying hard to hide the rose that he's holding.

"Let's go." Seungcheol held Jeonghan's hand as they left the scene.

The couple are now walking by the streets. Jeonghan looked at his boyfriend. He still has the serious face he did earlier. He chuckled.

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