Tyler Joseph's Homework

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Ok so maybe I'll make this into parts I'm not sure hhhh

I had this concept from a song called 'Annabelle's homework' by Alec Benjamin, but then changed it to my own cus I wanted to

Also if you like it maybe i can make it into story ?? I wanted to make it one but I mean it's been a while so I thought id update. ((But if you're not opposed to it being a story then let me know))

Okay thanks !!xxx

1506 words
Josh rushed from his chemistry class to the boys locker room right after the 3rd period bell rang. He hunched over, back against the doors that led to the gym, trying to catch and slow his breath. He breathes in deeply, trying to regain the oxygen in his lungs. As soon as he realizes he might have an asthma attack, he takes out his inhaler and puffs two into his mouth.

Once he sees Tyler, he straightens up and hopes to the gods his breaths aren't anywhere near as choppy as they were minutes ago. He gives a small smile and brings his backpack towards the front of his body.

"Hi John, thanks again for doing this for me, I really appreciate it"

Josh sighs but nods nonetheless. He's corrected Tyler on his name about six times now. At first it was 'Jamie' than 'Jesse' than 'Jake' 'Julian' 'James' 'Johnathan' and now it was 'John'

At least they all start with 'j'

"It's Josh" he said with a small smile, mixed with a hint of disappointment.

Tyler snaps is fingers and points it in a gun shape at Josh.

"That's right! Sorry about that, I just know to many people.. kinda a blessing and a curse" he replies with a cheeky smile and a couple of scratches on the back of his head.

"Did you get a couple wrong so it would be believable? You know, enough to where I have like an 80-something or whatever?"

"Yep, you should get a high 80 or a low 90.. I also tried mimicking your handwriting so you won't get in trouble"

You may be wondering, "why is Josh Dun doing Tyler Joseph's homework?" well you see, he feels bad for Tyler. He has so much basketball practice, family, and friends to deal with. Josh thinks it's all a stress on him; He wants to relieve some of it because he may or may not have a little crush on him.

"Thanks Jacob, once again I really appreciate it. Is there anything I can do in return?" Tyler said.

Josh felt the tang in his chest again. Why couldn't he remember his name? It was simple and easy, yet he couldn't remember it to save his life.

"It would be nice if you could remember my name.." Josh mumbles almost incoherently, or so he thought.

"Oh shit you're right. I'm sorry J-Jo-Jooo-Josh? Here, how 'bout this? You  give your number and I'll give you mine, if you want, and I can have your name in it. And maybe later if you want we could go catch a movie or something? I'd pay cause I keep messing up your name and as a thank you for doing all my english homework. Plus you're a cutie so it would benefit me too" he offered with a small smirk.

Josh felt the blush come from the apple of his cheeks to the tips of his ears. He didn't really know how to reply, so he just bit his lip to trying to contain his smile, and nodded slowly.

"Great! Do you have a pen or something I could write with?" the taller asked

"Oh uh, yeah hold on real quick" Josh replied quickly. He reached into his bag and pulled out an blue felt tip marker. He handed it to Tyler and waited to see what he would do with it.

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