-,'not an update',-

188 6 17

hey guys

I also have an idea but I need q&a questions from you (if you want) so here's how it's gonna go

the people listed below are youtubers & are at a youtube panel. they can be any question & I will put your @ as if it were from a social media platform








so please ask the questions !! I think it would be a pretty cool oneshot :)


so we are soooo close to being at 4K reads & I really wanna say thank you for that !!

thank you for the people who started following me, commenting, voting, and all that stuff 💗

I've been really stressed with school so I hopefully will be able to update sooner than later !!

I currently have like 3 drafts in my thingy so I'm working I promise

once again thank you so so so so much

love ya !!


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