sick boy essentials

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Hi yes hello I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever. A lot has been happening and it gets over whelming. I wrote this about 3 weeks ago and kinda forgot about it. If you haven't know by now, I write about what's happening in my life and add on to it. I also didn't really know how to finish it but I tried..

Anyways I hope you enjoy !!


1858 words


Tyler woke up at exactly 3:01 this morning. Once he opened his eyes and felt a piercing pain in his head. He sat himself on his bed and groaned to himself. As he rubbed his eyes, he noticed he was sweating and feels weak. Slowly, he climbs out of bed and goes to the bathroom. He notices body aches and now realizes he is most likely sick.

"Fuck-" he mumbled as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was pale and looked clammy. Not only does he look bad, he feels so much worse.

Somewhere along the lines of five minutes, he decides to take a bath, hoping it will calm his muscles and wash of the sweat. As he strips himself down, he gets a bitter taste in his mouth. His eyes widen and he rushes to the toilet to vomit whatever he ate for dinner.

Once he finished hurling up his meal, he sits against the bathroom wall and waits for the bath to finish filling up. When it's 3/4 of the way full, he turns off the faucet. Tyler than finishes getting himself naked and climbs into the steamy water. He let's out a satisfied sigh and closes his eyes to enjoy the warm water surrounding him.

He just sits there to soak up the warm soapy-water-solution. When he's done he feels too hot, and rinses off with cool water in the shower. He then climbs out of the shower and goes to his room, looking at his phone to check the time.


Tyler makes a whine like noise in the back of his throat. He dresses himself and texts his mom that he won't be able to go to school in the morning. He also decides to message Josh, his boyfriend, the same and his hopes of him having a great school day.

He walks himself to bed once he's dressed in only his boxers. He pulls his maroon colored blanket up to his neck and snuggles into it. He closes his eyes in hope to fall back to sleep; soon he finds a drift of tiredness wash over him.

time skip

Tyler is shaken awake by soft comforting hands. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at a blur-of-a-person until they are seen correctly. He notices it's Josh and he feels an electric pang in his chest. He gives a soft smile and blows him a small kiss.

"How ya feeling baby?" Josh asks while smoothing out Tyler's hair out of his face. He gives a small pout when Tyler replies "Not the greatest right now" Josh has Tyler straighten up until his bare back was agenst his bed frame. The green haired hue then reaches to the floor to get a bag of 'sick boy essentials' which consisted of soup, crackers, Gatorade, cough drops, Tylenol, tea bags, tissues, and lots more

Tyler always felt loved and cared for when Josh was with him. He always tried to do the same for Josh, even more when he could too. Whatever it was, he knew he was in the best hands when Josh was around. He wanted the best for Tyler. He would tell him when to stop doing something that can lead to potential harm, asked if he ate that day, even goes to make sure he did his homework and is passing all of his classes.

"What time is it?" Tyler mumbles out. He expects it to be lunch or after school, since Josh is over.

"10:17" Josh replies smoothly. Tyler's eyes widen like a deer in headlights, while Josh was the car coming by. "Baby why are you here then?" Tyler spoke out, trying to  lower himself because his back was starting to bother him. Josh helped him lie down on his side, facing away from him so he could rub his sick boyfriend's back.

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