Goodbye Tyler

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so I had this in my drafts for a while now and decided you needed an update. I have 2 other ones in my drafts but they are now done yet. not including those 2, I have 3 other oneshot ideas.

I've been sorta sad recently but I've also been talking to this one guy who's reaaallly cute. I've been squealing and feeling like a total sub when I text him (he used to live in my city but move recently to new Mexico :/)

as always please give feedback or comment cus those make me happy <3

anyway, enough about me, here's the story !!

(also a big giveaway of what happens but if you need it please read it)



939 words


Dear Tyler,

I hate you.
I hate your stupid sexy face, your curly chocolate hair, your pink pouty lips, your glowy golden skin, and your tippy tall figure.

I hate that I wasn't good enough for you. I hate that you started going to her to fill your needs. I hate that you filled her up... I hate that you come home with a different perfume or new hickeys that wasn't there yesterday. I hate that you don't even bother covering them up with my makeup.. her makeup. I hate that you act like nothings wrong. I hate that I've already confronted you about this. I hate that you promised that you'll 'never do it again' but you let it continue for another 8 months.

I hate that I haven't said anything about it...

But that's what I'm doing now, and if you still don't get it, here it is.

Tyler Robert Joseph, I'm breaking up with you.

You should have seen  this coming. We tried to make this work. No. I tried to make this work, and you failed to put in your 50%. I'm not going to be someone's 2nd choice. I'm not going to be a push over. I want to be loved.

Clearly you can't give me that, but you sure are giving her that. I don't want to know who she is. She can have the lying scum bag I used to call my lover. It would have been smart if you at least tried to hide her bra.. not stuff in the couch.

You can keep the place. I don't want to be here anymore. It hurts knowing the man I once knew, the faithful loving man, couldn't keep his dick in of his pants.

Was it worth it? Are you finally going to be happy? Even if you are, I'm not.

I'm taking my things with me. If I leave something behind, don't bother contacting me. I would rather leave something than meet face to face with you any time soon.

The last 3 years were amazing. I even thought you were going to propose. Silly me. Stupid you. Maybe she can sew up your broken heart (if you even have one) with new hickeys on your neck and scratches down your back.

Keep the photos, so you know what you're missing out on. Keep the paintings I made, they all have or involve a memory of you that I don't want to see anymore.

One more thing Tyler, I hope she makes you happy. If you went to someone else, it was clear you weren't with me.

I know I didn't do anything wrong. This is your doing. YOU fucked up. YOU decided to cheat. YOU didn't care about our future together.. Yet I feel at blame.

Don't contact me in anyway, shape, or form. I'm not gonna answer.

Goodbye Tyler

The past 2 and a little less than a half years were great.

Tyler wipes the tears spewing from his eyes. He knew he fucked up. He knew what happened when he came home and found a letter on the bed Josh and he would share. He sobs and he walks to their closet. Half of the clothes and shoes were gone. Tyler chokes on his tears and screams. He half heartedly walks to their art room. Only thing left was his piano and the paintings. Josh's drums were no where to be seen.

He takes out his phone and tries to call his lover--ex lover. "You've reached the voicemail box of-" The sound of an end call came from Tyler's phone. So did a shatter when he ended up throwing it. Tyler screams and slides down on the closest wall and curls up into a ball. He's never cried so much. The hot tears down a swollen face and the wheeze of his breath was so painful. His heart hurt knowing what he did was wrong. He knew that he fucked up. He also knew there was no way of fixing it.

As he drags himself into his room, muscles weak, he goes to the closet again and pulls a box of photos out. He plops it onto his bed and looks through the memories and adventures they had together. At the bottom of the box was a sweatshirt that belonged to Josh when he was in collage. He tried donating it but Tyler decided to keep it for safe measures.  He didn't know it then, but it soon brought then comfort back into his life.

He doesn't remember when he fell asleep. All he remembers is that he dreamt about Josh that night in a flower field with a picnic; when he woke up, his ex lover, was gone.

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