Chapter 15

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I'm outside the apartment door, and I can hear Tobias. "Caleb, don't hold a baby like that! It's not a doll!" Caleb laughs, and then I hear a sound of something glass breaking.

I walk in, and find Caleb sweeping up broken pieces of red, yellow, blue, grey, white, and black glass from the floor. "Caleb! Did you break my Factions Vase?!?" I yell. He nods his head.

I scream out in frustration, and go look for Tobias. I find him in the office, FaceTiming Zeke.

"Hey Zeke!" I say, walking up behind Tobias. "Wow. Someone's perky!" He says.

I roll my eyes, and ask Tobias where the kids are. He said that they're in Hunter's playpen. I walk in there, and see my parents each holding one of them, and Olivia in the playpen.

"Are they alright?" I ask, folding some towels and putting them in a cabinet In their bathroom. "Yes." My mother answers, and I let out a sigh of relief.


Right now, the eight of us are on our way to the dining hall, because we wanted my family to meet our friends.

That's why Tobias was FaceTiming Zeke. I see them, and continue to push the stroller while waving.

When we reach the tables, there is already a pile of food, and a big dauntless cake in the middle.

"Mom, Dad, Caleb. This is Christina, Will, Zeke, Shauna, Uriah, Zeke's brother, Marlene, and Lynn." I say, gesturing to the line of my friends sitting at the table. They wave.

Zeke gets up, and goes to Caleb. He shakes his shoulders, and Caleb looks at him like a madman. "Lighten Up, Caleb!" I say. He just glares at me.

"Someone's got PMS." I mumble, and Caleb must have heard, because he yells "WHAT?!?!" "Oh Nothing." I say, quickly covering that one up.

I had to show Mom, Dad, and Caleb what a hamburger was! I thought Caleb was smarter than that.

I guess I was wrong. We just left a party that Zeke threw for all of Dauntless, and my family got pretty drunk.

Tobias and I didn't go, since we have the triplets to take care of, but my parents and Caleb did.

I hear Tobias tell the kids that he loves them, and then we head to bed.

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