⊶ Chapter Three ⊷

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Ah, there's so many timeskips in this chapter! Well, what can you do? As always hope you enjoy and see you in the next chapter~ 


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"But it's your bed..."

"It's also my couch, look (Y/N) I'm fine sleeping on the couch."

"But I d-" Shushing you Oscar shooed you away from the couch, he has been insisting you slept on his bed for the night but you just couldn't. You were already invading his room you couldn't also steal his bed. Heck, he even drove you and Hannah to the hospital, this was just abusing his kindness. This argument had lasted way longer than it should've, you were exhausted at this point. Sighing in defeat you gave in, you would let him win. This one time. "Thank you again," 

"No problemo." Shooting playful finger guns he flopped onto the couch, bedsheets in tow. seemed like he was just as exhausted as you. You felt kinda guilty for dragging him into this, but it would be fine right? It's not like those masked men were still hanging around. Suddenly you were hit with another wave of paranoia.

Looking over to Oscar for comfort you couldn't help but feel even worse for him. He was lying at an awkward angle, trying to get comfortable. His sheets draped over him, Oscar had a room all to himself allowing him to be able to fit a couch and small tv in his room along with the average desk and chest or drawers you find in almost every room. Recently you were starting to see the benefits of having no roommates. You didn't have to worry about your roommates hiding evidence in your wardrobe and you had space for a tv. You wouldn't mind having a tv and no masked men breaking in and destroying your property and possibly someone's ribs.

Snuggling into the covers you glanced at the window, hidden by the blinds. You had triple checked the lock. Nothing was getting in here. Feeling somewhat safe you reached out and turned off the light. You were so lucky to have Oscar as a friend. He really was a sweetheart. "Night" You called out, "Sweet dreams" Came his reply.

Closing your eyes, exhaustion hit you like a truck. Quickly you drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Mumbling to yourself you covered your eyes, the morning light shining through the blinds. You didn't know what time it was and you truly didn't care too much, you didn't feel like getting up anytime soon. "Hey, lazyass get up" You heard Oscar call, looking over at him you saw him perfectly ready for the day. How long has he been up..? How the hell did you not hear him going about his morning routine? You knew you were a heavy sleeper but come on... "It's nearly 10. Don't you have classes?" As if you had been injected with coffee you shot up, hair tangled and wild. Jumping out of bed you mumbled out a mix of an apology and greeting towards the brunette before disappearing out of his room. You would have to get ready and fast. 

Checking the watch you hadn't worn in possible years you sighed in relief, you wouldn't be late! Slinging your heavy backpack over your shoulder you rushed out of the dormitories. Luckily it seemed like your room had been left alone over the night when you went in to grab clothes and your school supplies everything seemed normal. Apart from the open window, but you were pretty sure it wasn't closed to begin with so you just shrugged it off. Those people had gotten what they wanted, there was really no need for them come back, hey maybe you wouldn't have to stay in Oscars room tonight. You found it easier to sleep with him nearby though, it was just his aura. It was so calming. 

Making your way through the campus you couldn't help but look over your shoulder every few seconds your mind constantly replaying yesterdays events. how was Hannah even doing? You couldn't exactly call her... your phone still remained in pieces on the carpet. Maybe you could visit her? You were busy today but maybe tomorrow, truthfully you were still mad at her. She hid stuff in your wardrobe... Even if you didn't walk in you still would've been involved purely because of that. Why on earth would she do that? She had her own god damn wardrobe.

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now