⊶ Chapter Nine ⊷

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This chapters long af but its kinda more mellowed out and chill so, yeh.  See ya in the next chapter~


"Are you calling my daughter a liar?!"

It had been a week since you crawled out from Agatha's grave. Trying your best you explained to your mother what happened. She was sceptical but believed you. Since you were still fairly jumpy because of the incident your mother had accompanied you to the police station. When you reported what happened they didn't believe you.

"I'm not calling her a liar please calm down." Your mother settled slightly but she still harshly glared at the officer in front go you. The officer had a condescending tone in his voice as he spoke. Acting like you weren't even there. "Sometimes young women get stressed during exams and such, sometimes they act out. Especially if they don't have a father figure-"

"Excuse me?!"

"I'm just bringing to light that her roommate was attacked, it would be normal for a young girl to want attention."

A loud smack echoed around the room as your mother slammed her hands down on the table. "How dare you, you disgusting pig!" Your mother seethed. "What sort of officer blames the victim?! How dare you say my daughter just wants attention! No wonder so much crime goes undetected if the police force is as incompetent as you!"

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." You tugged on her sleeve, you knew this would be a terrible idea. You hadn't spoken very much recently but maybe you should've done this on your own. Sending a last glare towards the cop she marched out, dragging you with her.

Of course, they didn't believe you. Everything had been cleaned up. Yesterday you took your mother to Agatha's gravesite only to find everything looked normal. Well as normal as it could, it was obvious someone had been there recently, it wasn't as overgrown as it presumably used to be.

If you stepped directly onto of the grave the earth sank down. It should've been obvious something had happened here. Why didn't the cops believe you? Maybe they thought you were crazy. You did look out of it...

Dark purple bags hung under your eyes, your skin paling. Eyes wide you constantly looked behind you, adopting a hunched posture. Hanging your head low. You flinched constantly, this wasn't okay. Your mother offered to book a therapist but you couldn't, it was far too expensive. Working two jobs barely paid for your mother to support herself and your brother you couldn't find it in you to waste her money. The therapist wouldn't believe you anyway.

Hell, your own brother has his doubts.

Your mother was the only one that believed you, but she was torn. Maybe you shouldn't have come to her, she was starting to look worse for wear as well. You had heard her, late at night when she thought you were asleep. Her soft sobs poorly muffled, her own daughter was a target. God only knows if you'll be around this time next month. Anyone that 'saw something' always disappeared, people generally thought they left the town but there was always that nagging feeling. That little voice telling you something else happened to them. Whispering to you late at night to double check the locks on your doors...

They hadn't left town.

The world around you felt like it was crumbling, but you tried your best to keep intact. A brief call with your friends made sure they collected notes for you, they thought you were just ill. In a way, you were sick, sick with worry. Constantly looking behind you. Hannah warned you. Always watching.  You should've listened to her, but you didn't. You didn't even know how Hannah was doing. While on the phone to Oscar you asked if he saw her around the dorms but apparently not.

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now