⊶ Chapter Twelve ⊷

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Well, boiz we have a long chapter today! I'll try and cut it down in the future. See ya in the next chapter~


Legs burning you sprinted down the hard asphalt road. Desperately clinging onto Oscar you tried to avoid the dips in the uneven road. Gunshots and shouts echoed throughout the surroundings. But it was all background noise to you. All you could focus on was your heavy footsteps and the burning in your lungs. You were pushing your body to its breaking point- this was a mistake.

Oscar pulled you along, he was generally the only reason you were still running. Your body was exhausted. It had been non-stop. Never just a minute. Never a second to just take a deep breath and try and wrap your head around things. This wasn't fair. You couldn't do this. Not for much longer.

"What are you?!"

The world started to spin as you became more dependant on Oscar. He was practically dragging you at this point. This was not the time or the place to pass out. Your body couldn't shut down now. Squeezing your eyes shut you focused on your steps, trying to muster up the energy to continue. It was impossible to keep up with him. "Slow down." You spluttered out, speech being broken up with heavy pants. "(Y/N)! Are you insane?! That thing shrugged off getting shot like it was nothing! We're dead meat if he catches us!"

Halting yourself you forced him to stop, ripping yourself from his grasp. "We're already screwed Oscar! As soon as we came out here we sealed our fate. We are fucked!" Turning to you with wide eyes your heart broke. There was genuine fear written all across his face, he was petrified. Oh god, why did you bring him into this? You should've come alone. Why didn't you just come alone? Maybe it would've been different.

"Please- (Y/N) we need to try!" You wanted to try, you really did. But you couldn't. Something screamed at you to stay like Hannah was still alive and kicking. She needed your help. If you just went into the forest...


There was no way in hell you were biting into that bait. But the hesitation lingered, "Oscar. Just go, I have to make sure she's okay..." He was shocked, staring at you like you had sprouted two heads. You couldn't keep holding him back, he had to run. Please just run. Please. Why won't he just leave you behind? This was your problem. You caused this, he shouldn't burden himself with it.

"How do you expect to save someone else when you can't save yourself..?" Snapping your eyes up to meet him he stared at you with such desperation and fear. You weren't the hero of this story. Why act like something you weren't? You wouldn't be seen as a coward for running. It was the only option if you wanted to live. You wanted to live, didn't you? You wanted to survive this hell. Sure you would come out bruised and battered but you would survive.


There was a small part of you. A part of you that wanted to just give up- you didn't care at this point. Enough was enough.

It was only a small part though.

Grabbing onto him you started to run. Relief briefly flashed across his face. Using your last ounce of energy you ran and ran, eyes trained on Oscar. Following behind him. Blocking out everything that was happening around you. You just ran and ran. For as long as your legs could carry you.

It had never occurred to you that the paramedics were still to arrive so it was a shock when the ambulance came tumbling down the road. The sirens were off. Stuttering to a stop the two of you frantically flagged down the vehicle. Slowly coming to a stop a young paramedic rolled down the window to give you the most confused look ever. "Arn't you th-"

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now