⊶ Chapter Six ⊷

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lol exam seasons so fun. See ya in the next chapter ^^~


 Standing alone you lingered around the hospital. The nurse's passiveaggressive hint that you should leave didn't stop you from retracing your steps back to the cafeteria where you had your run-in with Tim. You were positive he was the one that decided to tenderise Hannah like a piece of meat. Sure it could be a long shot, the only evidence you had was that they both had the same jacket but come on. He just gave off that vibe. Or you were just paranoid. 

I mean wow, what amazing evidence! The same jacket! Surprised he's not in jail! 

But everything was all just too convenient he just seemed to show up everywhere, the bus, outside the cafe even the hospital. It unnerved you, currently, you felt like he was playing a game that only he was aware of. Maybe 'how nervous can we make (Y/N)' it made you feel rather defenceless, vulnerable. Like prey being hunted. 

But how could it be so easy? To uncover their identity. Well technically you didn't have any concrete evidence (yet) but it all still seemed too easy. Like you were being lured into a false sense of security before they struck. Maybe Hannah was right, they were trying to drag you into the tangled mess that is this town criminal activity. I mean, there was always the option of just ignoring it. Just chalk it all up to a very strange coincidence and never speak of it again. When Hannah was off those drugs you would try talking to her again, you didn't believe every single person that had gone missing was lured into it by some group of men.

There were too many disappearances for it to be like that.

Ever since you got back here you couldn't see Tim at all. What did you expect? For him to be sitting comfortably on one of the chairs just waiting for you. Presenting you with a 'congratulations' cake, you had managed to catch him! What sort of murderer even gives you their name? If it even was his real name...

Was it pity? So you would know who killed you. Grimacing you tried to remove those thoughts. God, where did that photo go? The nurse might have taken it, were hospital staff well aware of these men? Were they endorsing what these men did? Now that you think about it, it could make sense. It gave them 'customers' didn't it? The hospitals were businesses too, they needed to make their money somehow. That was rather sickening... 

Deciding it was for the better you came to the conclusion that you would just leave. Obviously, Tim was long gone and if your suspicions were right so was that photo. You had no clue where to go from here. Any evidence you had was gone, hell even your suspicions were based on a jacket and some really weird things you've seen Tim do. This was a disaster. You had been so sure Hannah would offer to help, all you got was a loosely strung together warning telling you to pack up and forget.

How did she even know all this to begin with, who did she mention again? Elijah? You had never heard that name leave her lips before... Well, you had never really spoken much to her before anyway. Hell, if you listened more closely to when she rambled on about these disappearances and the masked individuals you might have been far more prepared for this situation than you were.

Walking along the sidewalk you stared aimlessly ahead, you were torn. Listen to Hannah and steer clear of them or go after them. Play their game. Both had ups and downs, if you decided to leave it alone there was always the possibility that they wouldn't let you forget. Showing up when you least expect it keeping the memories fresh and vivid in your mind. If you went after them you would surely end up with a terrible fate. End up another nameless victim. The only mourners your close friends and family, even then they would try and ignore what happened to you. People went missing in this town constantly. It was dangerous to question things. Questioning things put your neck on the chopping block. It was easier to just thank any higher being that it wasn't you.

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