⊶ Prologue ⊷

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The heavy textbooks weighed you down as you made your way through campus back to your dorm. It was chilly early October, even if it was only the start of the month people had already started decorating for Halloween. Cutouts of skeletons were plastered around while bats were tied to trees scattered around the courtyard. Maybe to give someone a fright late at night, it didn't seem so terrifying in broad daylight.

Cursing under your breath you balanced the textbooks awkwardly as you typed in the passcode for the dorm door to unlock. With a soft click, it unlocked, pushing open the door with your foot you continued to mumble to yourself, you should've just brought a bag... The halls seemed desolate. Basking in the calmness of an empty dorm you headed straight towards your room. You shared a room with a girl named Hannah. She was a tad odd... Completely obsessed over the local murders and disappearances. She kinda acted like a bootleg one man Scooby Doo. If she kept prying into it you knew she would come across something she would regret. That's why you and many others in the town completely avoided talking about the disappearances, the town had always been dangerous it just seemed that lately, everything went up by tenfold. But the police would deal with everything. There was nothing to worry about.

Hannah was different, she was sure it was a small group of masked individuals that had only been spotted around a handful of times. you just thought these masked figures were teenagers having a laugh. No matter your criticism Hannah went out collecting what she deemed to be evidence. Being her roommate you had seen everything, and honestly, it was enough to make you humour her theory. As long as she didn't do anything to get her into serious trouble you didn't really care what she did in her spare time, it was a bit annoying the photos pinned to her wall, all connected with red thread. You couldn't invite anyone into your room anymore...

Shoving the door open with your shoulder you throw the textbooks onto your bed glancing over to Hannah's creepy 'evidence wall' you didn't like the blurry figures caught in the still frames. It just unnerved you, it was practically a daily ritual to tell yourself they were just dog walkers, drunken teens. Or maybe just weird looking trees. Hannah glanced up at you before going back to her camera, scrolling through the photos.

"You were out last night," 

"Yeah, there was a sighting near the lake."  You blinked slowly 'sighting' she really saw herself as a detective didn't she? She must have seen something on her camera as she seemed to light up with excitement. "(Y/N) look!" Turning the camera screen towards you she looked at you expectantly. Was there something you were missing? It just seemed like a normal forest, sure it was dark and a little creepy but it just looked like a forest. Rolling her eyes she pointed to one of the trees, on closer inspection you could see a figure. Unlike all the blurry photos pinned to her wall, this one was crystal clear. It was a figure in an old yellow hoody, you would say they looked normal if it wasn't from what their 'face' was.Hidden behind a hood was what looked like to be a  face mask hiding their identity, two red eyes were caught clearly along with a frown.

If this wasn't enough to freak you out, what looked like blood stains covering them head to toe sure did. Your eyes widened in surprise, Hannah could've been right all along. The photo sent a dreadful shiver down your spine, but you continued to stare at it. The figure seemed to stare back. 

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now