⊶ Chapter Five ⊷

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Hi, welcome to 'will the reader actually listen to Hannah or just dismiss it as the ramblings of a mad woman'. See ya in the next chapter~ 


It was a Saturday. That means you didn't have any classes, maybe you could spend the day catching up on what you missed out on yesterday. Everything said in that class went in one ear and out the other. Wow, what a lovely way to spend your Saturday, turning you held your arm over your eyes. Mildly exhausted. You seemed to be in Oscar's bed again, you must have fallen asleep on the couch... Why didn't he just leave you to sleep on the couch? Rubbing the sleep out your eyes you stared up at the ceiling.

You could always visit Hannah today. Oscar was nowhere to be found, the sheets on the couch suggested he slept there again. He must have classes early today. Slithering out from under the comfy white covers you stretched, feeling your bones click into place. Your mother had always told you that cracking your bones like that will give your arthritis by the age of 27. But god was it relaxing. Standing up you looked around, it was weird being in Oscars room alone. Opening the blinds you let the golden sunlight pour in.

Humming in contentment you quickly gazed over the campus, maybe you would go somewhere nice for breakfast. Somewhere nice before going to that cripplingly harsh hospital. You knew you would go visit Hannah, ask her opinion on everything. Technically you had some form of 'evidence' and a good guess on who it was. Was it really worth the work? Like Oscar said it really just looked like a bunch of dudes in Halloween costumes, would the police even take you seriously. Surely if there were so many sightings on these people the police would be after them. Did the police care? You were aware there were very corrupt people in positions of power but what was the chances the whole police force of this town was corrupt. I mean they were probably trying their best, they got paid to protect the citizens.

Whatever. Going to leave Oscars room you stopped, maybe you should bring that photo with you. It lay abandoned on Oscar's desk. Grabbing it you left the room, you were going to visit Hannah anyway.

Finished up with your morning routine you walked off of campus deciding you would go somewhere nice for breakfast. In your bag you carried a couple of textbooks, you may as well get some reading done when you were out. It wasn't too cold today, you only had a light jacket on. Playing with the cuffs you waited at the bus stop, making friendly conversation with another student waiting. They were heading to their job- working at one of the retail stores.

Sipping on your coffee your eyes were trained on the book in front of you, the crumbs of your breakfast left on the empty plate. The student you met at the bus stop- later finding out her name was Millie recommended this little place for breakfast. They specialised in bagels, it was great and you would defiantly be coming back, maybe bringing a friend next time. The place was different from the places you would usually go out to eat at, it was busy. Even early in the morning, a constant buzz and chatter of the customers and workers. It was lively. What would you expect, this pace wasn't out the way. Directly on the high street and not hidden away down some side street. No wonder it was busy.

The next bus you would have to catch left in 15 minutes giving you time to attempt to catch up on work. You were content- seemingly have forgotten all about the events of the past few days. Almost like it was just a weird dream. The image of the masked man seemed fuzzy, hazy. Unidentifiable. You almost didn't want to ask Hannah about it, you had already started thinking it was all just a dream. Sighing you closed the book, it was time you went to catch the bus anyway. Before you left you bought a breakfast muffin for Hannah. Hospital food was never that good.

Arriving at the hospital you made your way to the front desk, checking in. The receptionist seemed to be in a better mood today, giving you detailed directions on how to get to her room. 'You don't want to get lost in a hospital' she had claimed, making you laugh. Everything was signposted, how could you honestly get lost in here?

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