⊶ Chapter Four ⊷

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Visiting hours will probably be the main villain in this story tbh. Anyway! Hope you enjoy and see ya in the next chapter~


As soon as your shift ended you caught the first bus straight to the hospital. You needed to know if that man was the same person that gave your roommate internal bleeding. You knew it was a longshot and you were probably just finding links when there wasn't any there, it was a traumatic experience getting threatened with a gun. This could just be a coping mechanism. Whatever.

"Visiting hours are over, sorry."

"But this is really important."

"Are you family?"

"Well no-"

"Visiting hours are over."


"No. Come back tomorrow. During visiting hours."

Staring helplessly at the receptionist she just shrugged. Sighing you rubbed your temples, maybe you were just really paranoid, I mean hundreds of people have similar hair and seemingly only one jacket and like to carry shovels. "Can you tell her I was here?"



"I'll inform her."

"Are you sure I can't just go in."


"Well, I'll see you tomorrow..." Turning you left the hospital. This was great. Maybe Hannah left some more photos in your room. Like in a pillow case or something, you would check when you got back to the dorms. What would you even do if your suspicions were right? Go to the police? Would they even believe you, Hannah told the Hospital she was mugged not attacked in her own room... What would they even do, just put out a public warning, 'oh hey everyone lets avoid this man.' Also, did the hospital even call the police? Hannah was legitimately 'mugged' you think you would have an officer in. Maybe they did earlier. How were you supposed to know?

Who was the other one then? Was the hooded man and the man with the scarf the same person? It could be, if it was were you allowed to punch him before he was arrested? He broke your damn phone and held a loaded gun against your skull. That seems pretty punch worthy. The fear you felt towards him seemed to have fizzled into anger, how dare they! Who do they think they are? Terrorizing innocent people. Sure Hannah was technically stalking them... But they beat her up! They could even be behind the disappearances, that's what Hannah thought anyway. They might be murderers! They deserved to be stalked then.

Walking along the sidewalk you headed towards the bus station, not really paying much attention to your surroundings. Lost in your thoughts. Why didn't they make Hannah just disappear like everyone else? Did she know something? If there was enough time for them to search the room and just toss Hannah around like a rag doll there was certainly enough time to kill her. What was stopping them? Wait.

Was Hannah in danger? Would they come back to finish what they started? Were they just messing with her..? Make her think she was safe. Was this all some weird psychological shit? 

Shaking your head you took a deep breath. You were just being paranoid, you were always so paranoid. It was nothing. Just an overactive imagination. Maybe the men had already forgotten about you, you were just dragging it out. Should you ask Hannah about any spare photos she would have... You had never been interested in the disappearances before why change now. You saw what happened to Hannah, let's not play Sherlock. 

Curiosity killed the cat.

Arriving at the bus stop you checked the timetable, lucky you. Only a couple minutes wait. Standing in the shelter you looked around. Quickly getting bored you started counting cars, you never knew that waiting without a phone would be so boring. There wasn't even anyone to talk to. The bus stop completely abandoned, heck even the street was empty. Seemed like everyone owned a car around here. Kinda wish Oscar was with you with his very dangerous rust bucket of a vehicle.

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now