⊶ Chapter Thirteen ⊷

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Anyone else went to TRNSMT? Cause it was a bop. Lowkey procrastinated writing this for area 51 memes but hey, what's done is done. see ya in the next chapter~


The soft rumble of the car engine helped lull you into a sense of security. Light from the lampposts passed quickly, only momentarily engulfing you in the warm orange toned light. Taking a deep breathe your senses were overcome with the smell of the car air freshener. Swaying lightly with the car's movements the perfume bottle shaped object overpowered you with the smell of orange blossoms.

Holding onto your bag tightly you looked over to Oscar, his attention on the scenery outside the window. Looking behind him every so often. Hands gripping tightly on the steering wheel Maddie glanced at you in the rearview mirror. Her eyeshadow still perfectly done even late into the night. You didn't know why she was still up but you didn't ask.

Gazing out the window you watched the houses go by, you were getting closer and closer to the more populated area of the town. Near where Maddie lived. By some miracle, she had been able to afford a nice apartment right in the middle of the town. With a stunning view overlooking the local park, you had been quite a few times. Before all of this started you would always go over for a game of cards every so often, most commonly poker. You tended to have a lucky streak when it came to cards. If only you carried that luck into your daily life. 

Finally feeling somewhat relaxed you closed your eyes, hands still tightly grasped onto your bag.


It had been a spur of the moment decision. To leave the hospital. As you and Oscar sat isolated in the empty cafeteria you got to thinking, that thinking then slowly turned into speculation. Then paranoia, it grasped onto you and neither of you could shake it. It didn't make sense to stay there. So you didn't.

Following the poorly labelled signs you managed to come across one of the exits, it was guarded. Guess they were taking your 'safety' seriously. The guards didn't settle your paranoia, it made you feel trapped. They weren't there to keep people out, they were there to keep you in. There was nothing you hated more than being trapped.

Backtracking the pair of you made your way back down the halls. Past the sickly patients and the beeping of machines steadily recording heart rates. Soon you retraced all the way back to the empty cafeteria and long abandoned halls, your footsteps being the only sound of life. Echoing throughout the bleak halls.

All this time you had been trying to contact someone, Maddie answered. It took a lot of convincing but she currently waited for you in her sleek red car. You didn't know the brand or the model but you knew it cost a pretty penny. It made you extra careful when you arrived, in turn, taking ages for you to finally relax in the plush leather seats.

The window had been how you got out, collecting your stuff the both of you had crawled out. Nearly pulling your leg straight from the socket in the process. Opening the window had taken a conjoined effort, seemingly glued shut. Wasn't that a health code violation? It didn't matter now anyway. After prying it open you were hit with cold air, attacking any exposed skin. Ignoring it you had followed Oscar out the window, he made it look easy. It made you question if he had done this before. Being met with a simple response, "Everyone's been grounded before, right?"

Maddie parked down the street from the hospital leaving you and Oscar to try and avoid security cameras as you made your way through the property. Nearly losing your shoe to the muddy grass that seemed to drag you down. Stumbling you successfully made it to Maddie's car.

Upon arrival, you were met with the radio softly playing and Maddie typing away on her phone, only sparing you a glance before going back to whatever she was doing. "I owe you for this one. Big time."

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now