⊶ Chapter Ten ⊷

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o OOF sorry for not updating ;;. I rewrote this chapter far too many times, I still kinda hate it but I want to progress the story so. Yeh. Sorry again.  Here's chapter ten. See ya in the next chapter~


Running your hands through your hair you stared at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. Oscar was picking you up this morning so you wouldn't have to walk or catch the bus to campus. Leaving the restroom you went to the kitchen, craving something to give you some form of energy, having barely slept. Luckily for her, your mother was busy sleeping in. Leaving you alone with your brother that was currently chugging orange juice straight out of the carton. "Morning" You greeted grimacing in disgust at his actions. "You do know we have cups right?" He just huffed in response guarding the toaster. 

Walking straight over to the kettle you made your self a bitterly strong cup of coffee. Praying for the surge of energy to break you from your zombie-like haze.

Making yourself comfortable at the dining table you played around on your new phone, having finally got round to replacing it. Sipping your coffee lavishing in the warmth it brought. Sitting across from you your brother dug into his toast, mercilessly drowning the poor toast in butter. Obviously, he didn't care about his arteries.

The crunch of the toast filled up the room as you fiddled with your phone. Suddenly he started up a conversation. "It's my birthday in a couple of days."

"I'm well aware."

"After we all go out for dinner do you think you and mom could stay somewhere for the night?" He asked hesitantly. Raising a brow you took your eyes off your phone to look at him. "Throwing a party?"

"Mom did say I could have a few  friends around..."

"Don't do anything stupid."

"Hey! At least I don't come home at four in the morning puking my guts out." Blushing you looked away in embarrassment. "I was young and stupid, I hold my liquor much better now." Sighing you thought for a moment. "Try and keep it to one floor alright? I will not hesitate to put a baby gate up." Smiling he shook his head, "Of course I will."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"So nothings off the table." You gave him a warning look, holding his hands up in mock surrender he backtracked. "Alright, I won't do anything too stupid."

"Too stupid?"

"...Stupid. I won't do anything stupid." Nodding in approval you felt your phone buzz, Oscar was here. "Alright see ya later lil bro~" Ruffling his hair you vanished out of the room before he could do anything in response.


Parking at his usual spot Oscar's car came to a stop. Clambering out you stretched out, honestly, that car would kill you one day. It was just an armoured safety hazard with an engine. Feeling your stomach rumble you bit your lip. "Breakfast?" Oscar offered. Nodding the two of you headed towards one of the small cafeterias littered around campus. It was a beautiful day, the sun was barely hovering over the horizon. Finally rising and lighting the clear sky. The cold air felt refreshing on your skin. The warmth coming from Oscar next to you adding a much-needed comfort as you tried to get your life back to normal.

Breakfast was pleasant meeting up with Beth and Kaiden you all sat in a more isolated part of the food court. Generally catching up on each other's lives. You could get used to this. The aroma of coffee was strong practically clinging to all of you. Guess students couldn't survive without their coffee huh? Making plans with them for the next day and promising to actually text Beth you took your leave. Heading to the dorms you went to grab your classwork.

⊶Keep Quiet⊷( Hoodie x Reader - SoulmateAU!) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now