⊶ Chapter Eighteen ⊷

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lol this chapters rlly long and honestly chaotic

have questions? just comment i'll be happy to answer!

dnt drink kids- or kidnap people. acc dnt do like anything these characters do cause honestly they have a combined total of one and a half brain cells. 

ive been rlly busy recently- but holidays are upon us and i'll have more time to write! ^^ see ya in the next chapter!~


Spending a large chunk of your day carving a line into the underside of the vanity had not only destroyed your nails but also let you keep track of the days. Thirteen days exactly and that wasn't including the week you spent unconscious. Hope was slowly diminishing with each sunrise. Another day spent locked away. 

It was funny, you seemed to have adopted a routine. Every morning you would wake up at the crack of dawn, earlier than it seemed due to it being autumn. Following a simple morning routine you would shower and wash your face. Brushing your teeth and combing your hair. You would hang the wet towel over the curtain pole. Reusing it day after day- you did clean your clothes. You only had a handful of clothing and a lot of spare time. Filling the sink up you would spend hours rubbing the fabric and your hands raw.

It gave you something to do.

Occupy your mind with something other than intrusive thoughts.

You would also wait, Rouge would give you a daily visit. Bringing fresh water and food. You never kept the food down. That's when she brought it, sometimes she would forget to bring you anything. Claiming you were so quiet she simply forgot you were there.

Do you think other people remembered you?

You had your hopes there was a search party out for you, someone determined to bring you back home. Anyone. You didn't want to be forgotten, left here to rot and wither into nothingness.

How long would it take to find your body..?

Other than laundry you had other things to do. In an act of rebellion, you didn't read the book, your previous favourite leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. Overflowing the vanity was origami shapes covered with the printed words. You were actually pretty good at it. Being able to make cranes and butterflies. Not because you knew how to do it, you just forced the paper into the shape you wanted. Truely it was the only thing you had control over.

Even then it still gave you paper cuts.

As much as origami distracted you your thoughts were still loud and overwhelming.

This is when you would break down. Cradling yourself you would try and muffle you sobs only to come out pointless. Someone would still give the wall, door even floors a thump and tell you to shut up. The walls were thin you see. It had its benefits. 

Sometimes you would listen.

They didn't get along that well.

It was constant bickering over one thing or the other. You had always assumed kidnapping someone would bring a group closer, apparently not. Actually, you seemed to take centre stage in their arguments. Well, not the shouting arguments, the hushed ones that seemed to be between Tim and Frowny. After constant hours listening to them you had managed to tell them apart from their voices, purely from the process of elimination. You knew Rouges, Hatchet (you later found out was named Toby) stuttered, how could you ever forget that bastard Tims- its honestly all his fault and you wished you had just decked-

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