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Round and round the world does spin.
A world so dark and full of sin.
How then, is a flower to grow?
When greed and lies devise below.

Like a willow I weep in sorrow,
Fearing this world won't see tomorrow.

Feelings of hope now long and gone.
I sit and watch the pink of dawn.
—When a ray of sun splits the sky,
And a revelation stuns my eyes.
A girl, not much younger than I,
Whose beauty has me mesmerized.

Who can this be? Standing before me.
My vision can be one to deceive;
So, how can I truly believe?
—Yet, the world sees her too.
Stuck in awe by this enchanting view.

The once still trees begin to sway,
To the daring dance her hair displays.
She sings sweet songs for all to hear.
The birds join in and chirp with cheer.
All of nature mimics her movements.
And I...I—Oh! I'm in love!
And I pray she's not an illusion.

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