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(Y/N) Pov:

"Good morning Pentagram City! I'm Katy Killjoy-" said Katy.

"-and I'm Tom Trench. Now then, before we actually start with the weather and news on the last extermination, we have something we'd like to show you. I just received a video from the Misfits who work at the Happy Hotel" says Tom. You couldn't tell, but he looked and sounded like he was smiling.

"Now, I'm not a fan of the Misfits, but this video is HILARIOUS!" Exclaimed Katy, chuckling.

"That's right folks. A Mannequin demon named Sarran Dolliya who apparently thought she could sing AND thought that she actually had a chance with one of the Misfits. Here's a video one of the Misfits, Crymini, recorded last night during Sarran's first performance as a test to see if she really had what it took to become a Misfit and to work at the hotel. The position she was going for was a performer, so be warned, it sounds like she was just making up the song on the spot becuase it is terrible" Chuckled Tom.

"Cue the clip" said Katy, bouncing giddily, trying not to burst out in laughter.

A clip started playing halfway through Sarran's song.

"Everytime I see you,
You make me wanna be with you,
No one will ever come between us,
I'll kill anyone to have you for myself"

She made it to the bar, slowly walking towards Baxter as he glared at her, cringing.
"You're the man I've been waiting for,
The one I want to kiss,
You're the man I've been seeking,
Our love is like-"

She sang, leaning closer to Baxter's face, but a certain Shadow Exterminator demon had enough and decided to end it.

"YOUR LOVE IS LIKE THE TITANIC BITCH" she yelled at Sarran, glaring.

The crowd gasped and some burst out in laughing.

Baxter pushed Sarran's face away from his, making her fall to the ground and dropping the microphone.

He then grinned and pulled the Shadow Exterminator demon closer in a side hug.

"This is why I love you (Y/N)!" He said, chuckling.

(Y/N) giggled as well, the crowd still laughing at Sarran. Some of them even booing her.

As Sarran tried to get up, (Y/N) glared at her.

While the clip was playing, you could hear Katy weezing and Tom snickering in the background.

Once the clip ended, Katy and Tom where both doubled over in laughter.

"There you have it folks. A demoness who was too dumb and a fucking bitch to see that the demon she had fallen in love with was already taken. Take some notes folks, never mess with this Shadow Exterminator demon and her boyfriend. Also, don't be like Sarran, unless you wanna get embarrassed on national television" said Tom, trying to calm down.

Charlie switched the TV off as we all chuckled at the morning report.

"Stupid bitch thinks she can become a Misfit" snickered Crymini.

Angel came running into the room dragging a short, dark grey Spider demon wearing a black suit jacket, yellow pants, and a mobster hat on his head. He has two legs, six arms, and has several red eyes surrounding two main eyes.

"GUYS GUYS! I FOUND SOMEONE WHO COULD BECOME A MISFIT!" Yelled Angel eagerly as he dragged the poor grey Spider demon into the room, trying not to trip.

"Angel, I already told you before. I'm not becoming a Misfit and I don't wanna work at this stupid hotel. Nothing you say or do will make me-" said the grey Spider demon, but stopped when he spotted me.

"Who's that Shadow demon with a halo above her head?" He asked suspiciously, glaring at me.

I glared at him, and crossed my arms.

"Oh, that's (Y/N). She's the local Shadow Exterminator demon. She's half Shadow demon, half Exterminator, a VERY rare kind of demon. There have only been two accounts of a half breed between a demon and Exterminator. One is believed to be in Heaven!" explained Alastor, grinning.

The Spider demon eyed me up and down before crossing his six arms.

"OK. I'm listening" says the grey Spider demon.

"Angel-" started Charlie, but Vaggie interrupted.

"Charlie. I think Angel is getting onto something. I mean, Arackniss is his older brother, and he is a mobster as well. Maybe he can get Molly and thier father to come here as well. Molly could help as a front desk clerk becuase it's CLEAR that someone can't NOT be rude to everyone who comes to check in" says Vaggie, crossing her arms and glaring at Husk as he takes a drink from his bottle.

Niffty, who was cuddling into Husk's fluffy chest, looked over at Vaggie confused while Husk stopped mid-drink and glared at Vaggie as well.

"Hey, it's not my fault that I have a gambling depth that followed me into Hell making me hate life even after death" grumbled Husk.

" sort of is your fault that you have a gambling depth in the first place...." said Baxter.

Husk shrugged and continued to drink from his bottle while Niffty smiled and continued to cuddle him.

Me and Baxter exchanged confused glances and shrugged.

"And, maybe thier father could get rehabilitated" finished Vaggie, glancing off to the side and shrugging.

"Hmm...maybe it might just work out. Arackniss, do you think you could bring Molly and your father here so we can have an interview, see if there's anything you and Molly can do to help around the hotel while your father checks in to become a guest/patient" says Charlie.

"Fine. But just so you know, I'm only doing this becuase Molly is too joyfull and cheerful to be in Hell, our dad is already dead inside and could use some life in his life, and Angel won't leave me alone so I'm doing this so he could finally leave me alone" hissed Arackniss.

He glanced over at me and his glare softened a bit before shaking his head. He turned around and walked out of the room, Angel following close behind.

"Well...that was weird" said Baxter, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close.

I could tell he saw the way Angel's brother had glanced at me because he was being protective.

"Hey Charlie, what happened to Sarran anyway? We haven't seen her this morning during breakfast" said Mimzy.

"I banned her from coming into the staff only areas of the hotel since Angel invited her. She won't be permitted in those areas and will be eating in the main dining room with the other hotel guests. Since she didn't make the cut, she'll remain in the hotel for one month before she leaves" says Charlie.

"Oh thank Lucifer" sigh Crymini in relief.

"Yah, it is pretty clear that we all share a distaste for that scandalous b-****" said Alastor.

We all looked at Alastor.

"Did....did you just say a bad word?" I asked, a little unsettled.

"Yah Alastor. It's kind of weird that when you cuss, it's cencored. Like, how does that happen?" Asked Baxter, confused.

"I have no idea! I just try to say a bad word and it gets cencored. Watch! FU***************************************************************" yelled Alastor.
We all cringed, Husk and Crymini covered thier ears in pain as a high pitched static replaced the cuss word he was saying.

"SHUT UP YOU BAMBI REJECT!" screamed Baxter at the top of his lungs. 

Hazbin hotel {Baxter × reader} Shadow of the PentagramWhere stories live. Discover now