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Husk’s Pov:

It’s been several days now, and nothing has happened.

Nothing big anyway.

So far, Arackniss has been playing along and pretending to accidentally ruin Sarran's plans to break Baxter and (Y/N) up.

It’s been working so far.

We’ve been holding the same meetings in Charlie’s office every night with the metal barricade covering the windows and door.

Arackniss has been telling us all the things she has planned, most of them involve (Y/N) and Baxter separated from one another. They've been sticking together no matter what because of this.

Molly has been informing Hell’s Interpol about Sarran and what she’s been doing in the hotel so far. They’ve emailed her, telling her to keep them updated, and if anything escalated to the point where someone dies, they would have to inform Demon Police about her.

This is a hotel for rehabilitation, not for demons to kill each other in. Charlie made it a rule where no one was allowed to kill anyone as long as they’re on hotel property.

We were all sitting in Charlie’s office waiting for Arackniss to arrive.

Suddenly, the short grey Spider demon ran into the office, out of breath and a panicked look on his face, something very unlike the older spider sibling.

“Arackniss? What’s going on?” asked Charlie, startled from the door slamming open.

“S-Sarren...s-she…” he stuttered, too afraid to speak.

“What? What did she do?” asked Charlie, frowning as she got up from her chair.

“S-she...she kidnapped (Y-Y/N) and Baxter a-and took t-them somewhere. I-I found t-this note she left me. She never told me she would d-do this” said Arackniss, shakily holding up a piece of paper.

Growling, I grabbed the paper from his hand and read it. Niffty stood up on her toes, trying to read what the note said as well.

My eyes widen and I hand the note over to Charlie as I shakily sat back down.

Niffty gently grabbed my arm, looking worried.

“What did the note say Husk?” she asked quietly, trying to comfort me.

Charlie gasped after reading the note.

“It says: ‘I have taken two of your Misfits, Baxter and (Y/N). Do not worry, Baxter will not be harmed, but (Y/N) has gotten in the way of me and my true love, so that is why I will be killing her. See you back in the hotel once I’m done killing her off. Don’t try stopping me, you’ll never find us in time’” read Charlie.

Everyone in the room gasped.

“How did SARRAN, of ALL DEMONS, manage to kidnap two Misfits from the hotel!?” asked Angel, angrily.

“When we find her, I’m gonna rip her tongue out and shove it up her ass, then then I’ll stick a metal pole down her throat until it comes out the other end” said Crymini aggressively, her ears flattened and snarling.

“I’m gonna rip her to shreds and make her into a new dress with her fabric mannequin body” said Niffty, her large pink sewing needle appearing out of nowhere.

“Me and my siblings will SHOOT her with EVERY BULLET WE’VE GOT!” screamed Angel. Molly and Arackniss nodded and took out whatever gun they have.

Alastor, Vaggie and Mimzy stayed silent, but you could tell they were angry because the aura around Alastor was turning darker and static filled the room around him, his eyes turning into radio diels and his staff glowing a crimson red. Mimzy’s pupils had gone smaller and she was glaring at the floor in anger. Vaggie had her arms crossed, glaring at a wall.

Hazbin hotel {Baxter × reader} Shadow of the PentagramWhere stories live. Discover now