Chapter 5: Lisanna's Kiss, Lucy's Tears

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P.O.V Natsu Dragneel

The mens were lying on the floor trying to get up. They breathed heavily, struggling to stand on their feet. As soon as they did get up one of them with the glowing red eye put their index finger on at the side of their forehead. After that, he said. “Oi, the boss says lets get out of here. He apparently found a girl with golden gate keys to sacrifice”

My eyes widened, I stopped forming my flame in my hands. “What?”

“Let’s go.” The man in the red eye said who the men call Samuel.  

I sprinted up to them, I grabbed the chestplates on the two men with patches and threw them onto the floor. “WHERE IS SHE?!” I demanded, my face was filled with severe anger, my eyes slit.

P.O.V Lucy Heartfilia

When I awaken I was in some sort of jail cell. I felt cold concrete under my body, the cell smelt wet and stunk.  I looked around bearing my surroundings, as I looked around I found Lisanna leaning on the wall, unconscious.


Lisanna’s eyes fluttered open.  “Lucy?....when did you get in here?”

“I don’t know, why are you here?” I wondered, realising that my gate keys were gone!

“I don’t know too, but we have to get out of here somehow”

Lisanna and I tried to break through the bars, but it won’t budge. I didn’t have my gates keys with me, where could it have gone?

“Hey Lisanna have you seen my gates keys?” I stammered. If I don’t have my gate keys with me...I’m useless.

“Actually, I’m not so sure. But earlier, before you got here they said something about using gate keys as sacrifice. That’s all I remember, I believe they might be yours, somehow we have to get those gate keys back. Who knows what their planning.” Lisanna shrugged. Massaging her back which was against the grey brick wall.

A bad feeling suddenly struck me when I heard the gate keys were being used as a sacrifice. What will they do to the celestrial spirits? Aquarius? Virgo? Leo? Taurus? Cancer? Sagittarius? Aries? Scorpio? Gemini? Capricorn? Crux? Horologium? Plue and Pyxis?

I tried to break free from the bars, but everytime I try my strength seems to go down.

“Lucy….theres no point. This isn’t just any old cell. Those bars drain our powers….” Lisanna pulled me away from the bars, how were we going to get out now? I tried to be patient, waiting for someone or something to happen, waiting for a clue. While waiting Lisanna asked me a strange question.

“Lucy, how do you confess your love to someone else?”  Lisanna asked, a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.

Lucy blinked. “C-confess..?” why would she say that at a situation like this?

“Yeah.” Lisanna nodded, blood filling up her face.

“Why’d you ask?” I wondered why she asked. Randomly, out of the blue, an image of Natsu popped in my head. Why would I be thinking about him right now?

“It’s just that….I kind of have feelings for Natsu and I don’t know why I’m saying this now but I want him to know that I have these feelings for him.” Lisanna pulled her knees closer to her face, hiding her embarrassment.

I thought so….Lisanna does have feelings for Natsu...I guess they were just meant to be. Why is my chest suddenly getting heavy?

“I’m sorry...I’ve never confessed my love for anyone before. So I don’t know” Lissanna flushed, then she looked up. “So? How do I do that?”

The only response I gave was silence. I tried to open my mouth but I felt a great pain in my chest which only made me whisper,  “Well-”


A huge crash was heard, I placed my hands on my head, protecting myself. I looked up, seeing the cherry-head boy looking down at me. “Natsu!” I cried out.

“Lisanna w-...never mind! HURRY LETS GET OUT OF HERE” Natsu rushed us. He grabbed the two of us by our shirts and he flew out of the hole he made in the cell.

We were outside. Feeling the air cutting through me as Natsu was slowly falling from the sky-high cell. I finally get to breathe clean air now, unlike the cell, which felt stuffy and stunk like waters from the sewer.

No one managed to see us escaping. It’s quite surprising actually. After Natsu just smashed into the wall and yet no one realised, this place has a lack of security. We escaped into the forest, the trees were tall, dressed in green coating, it was silent and quite, lonely, I feel kinda awkward being here with Natsu and Lisanna.

“U-um I need to…uhhh, go pee!” Me and my lame excuses, I thought to myself.

“HAHAHAHA, LUCY YOU’RE GOING TO PEE IN THE BUSHES!!!!” Natsu laughed, his hand on his stomach, pointing at me with a teasing face.

“HMPH!” I snubbed, whipping my head around and walking away.

I didn’t actually wanted to pee, I just felt out of place when I’m with Natsu and Lisanna.


Just as I got back from talking a breeze walk, I hid behind a tree because I thought I heard Natsu and Lisanna talking.

Lisanna took a deep breath. “Hey, Natsu I have something that I have always wanted to tell you. I waited but now I’m impatient” Oh no no, this can’t be.

“Huh, what is it Lisanna?” Natsu asked, giving a big grin, then disappeared when he noticed that Lisanna’s face was cherry red. I thought, She’s going to do it, isn’t she?

“Well, you see. All of these past few years, I’ve always had a thing for you.” Lisanna looked at the dry dirt underneath her, unable to look at Natsu in the eye.

“A thing for me?” Natsu didn’t get it. Of course, he’s really a blockhead. He is ABSOLUTELY clueless! He didn’t understand, but I know it’s going to happen, I couldn’t bring myself to come out. My feet were frozen on the floor.

“Natsu…..” Lisanna’s eye slowly closed, inhaling all her courage.

“I…..Love you.” Lisanna’s said it in a whisper, but Natsu heard it. Lisanna stepped forward, placing her hand on Natsu's face, Natsu stared with astonishment, wondering what she is going to do, then Lisanna's lips then pressed against Natsu’s. Natsu stood there, frozen, eyes wide with surprise. Why, why do I have this sudden feeling that my heart just exploded? I guess I really do have feelings for Natsu. The cherry-head boy that is always there for me is now going to be with someone else. Water that glinted like diamonds started flowing out of my eyes.  The pain in my chest was nothing like being punched, kicked or slapped. My insides tightened, a huge lump was in my throat. Why? Why won’t these tears stop flowing? I started to make sniffles and sobs, Come on Lucy Heartfilia, don’t let Natsu and Lisanna know you’re here. Just hold it in. Hold back the tears…..

Minty: BAM, and that’s the end of the chapter!
Minty: Hahahaha, yes already. Wait for the next chapter to see what happens! Will Natsu end up with Lisanna? Will Lucy be heart broken FOREVER?
Shana: ye ye minto, stop acting like some voice - over. +_+ AND IT’S SO OBVIOUS SHE’S HEARTBROKEN
Minty: Shana...SHUSH OK, LOL BYE GUYS <3
MintyAndShana: PEACE! <3 ~

Image at the side: I, shana edited a kiss image and just drew all over it and stuff. I DID NOT DRAW ALL THE STUFF IN THE IMAGE. Only Natsu and Lisanna I did, NOT THE POSE, NOT THE BACKGROUND. THEY DO NOT BELONG TO ME. I DID NOT USE A DRAWING TABLET, OR ANYTHING WITH A STYLUS OR STUFF. Just a mouse. :( - Shana 


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