Chapter 20: Slowly Fading Away

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Lucy Heartfilia P.O.V

Dragging the dragon slayer over was a pain, adding the fact that he looked hideous due to his dragon-like look, making citizens stare in awe at Natsu once I hauled the unconscious pink head into the entrance of Magnolia Town. Why on earth is he unconscious? It couldn’t be deep sleep, could it? I looked around, noticing that I’m standing out, like a beetle walking with an army of ants. People stared at me, dragging Natsu across the concrete ground, I bit my lip, silently hoping that my entire face wasn’t flooded crimson.

“Lucy! Thank God!”

I looked over my shoulder, seeing the raven haired boy and a redhead sprinting, worried looks on their faces, “Gray! Erza!” I called out. Their worried looks turned into relieved smiles, they stopped in their tracks just as they reached me, panting after a long run.

“What happened?” Erza asked, pulling one of her scarlet locks behind her ear.

“I found him.” I breathed. “I found the forest.” I lowered the dragon slayer, allowing my aching arms to have a time to rest. Gray give me a good job! look while Erza patted me on the head, “You’ve done a good job finding him.”

I gave a smile, a slight blush across my cheeks. The two noticed how dirty and smelly I was, they shifted their gaze to Natsu - immediately, they looked like they were about to gag by how the awful smell lingered in the air mixed with the metallic scent from the rabbit blood on Natsu’s clothes.

“I’ll carry him.” Gray beamed. “Lucy, you’ve done enough.”

I bobbed a nod as the raven haired pulled the raven slayer over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes, slowly shuffling to my home.


The keys jangled in my hands as I inserted one of them into the keyhole, twisting it with a click. The three of us shuffled inside, Gray, still having Natsu lying on his shoulders.

“We need to clean him up, he’s dirty.” Erza stated, staring at Natsu’s partly ripped clothes that showed some of his bare chest. I bowed my head in agreement, I rushed to get a fresh towel and a bucket of water while Gray lowered Natsu onto the sofa in the living room.

“Question, Lucy.” Erza said, watching as I dipped the towel into the warm water, twisting it to squeeze all it out.


The redhead placed both of her hands on Natsu’s shoulders, shaking him roughly. “Why won’t he wake up?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “This morning, I couldn’t-”

“I see.”

I looked down, staring at the orange striped carpet spread flat under me.

“Lucy, do you think you can take care of Natsu? Wendy is waiting for us because we were going to do a mission” The redhead explained with an apologetic look on her face. “Sorry, we can’t help you right now.”

“Yeah, sure.” I simply smiled and walked to the front door, the two Fairy Tail members marching behind.

I slapped both of my cheeks trying to get myself into focus, I gotta take care of Natsu! I turned on my heels to walk back into the living room, seeing the cherry head still snoozing on the sofa, completely off guard. I sighed, deciding to wash his part of his body. Grabbing the towel, squeezing it tight and applying to Natsu’s arm.

A sudden hissing sound was heard, and I immediately jerked away from the dragonslayer. Part of the water contained in the towel already evaporated, much to my surprise and I threw the towel down, noticing how flushed red my hand got. “Natsu! His temperature!”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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