Chapter 14: Ally or Foe?

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Lucy Heartfilia P.O.V.

My sweating fingers reached for a key, a polished golden key with a blue symbol attached to it.

“Open, gate of the Water Bearer! Aquarius!” I yelled out, shooting the key into the roaring water flowing in front of me.

A golden soft glow hummed and then the blue mermaid was there, in the water, with a beautifully blue urn in both of her hands, in the urn, was overflowing water.

“WHAT THE HECK, BITCH! I WAS ON A DATE! GEEZ, DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING?!” Aquarius groaned angrily, glaring daggers at me.

“Aquarius! Theres no time for arguing!” I shouted, having a hint of fear in my voice, but I don’t care. I need to save Magnolia town.

“DON’T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME!” Aquarius, the blue head screamed. Tempted to throw the blue water in her urn, right at me.

“S-sorry.” I mumbled. “But I want you to help Erza, she’s at the other side of this water wall. Fighting some two men by herself.”

Aquarius grinded her teeth bitterly, but she felt as if she had to.

“Hmph, just this one and that means you won’t call me for another 2 weeks!” Aquarius muttered.

I gave out a sigh. “Fine, just this once. So just please do your best.”

As Aquarius was about to enter through the water, an unknown force pushed her aside.  “What the hell!”

I turned around, seeing Samuel, with his hands wide open, at the direction where the injured blue mermaid was. “Sorry.” he said. “But I’m afraid I can’t let you interfere with what’s going inside there.”

Aquarius stood up, a few bruises on her body. I noticed by the look of her face, she was completely glazed with anger, shooting a glare at Samuel, she snarled. “You asshole! I can’t go on a date with Scorpio, looking like this!”

Instead of giving the reaction; fear, the reaction I always give to Aquarius. Samuel had a smile across his smooth lips. This pissed Aquarius off even more. Having her hands on her blue urn, a huge beam of running water exited the urn, gushing free and flooding the town.

Samuel’s body then was swallowed up and pushed away, Aquarius did it, as if Samuel was too easy for her, impossible.

Aquarius then turned around, glaring daggers at me. “Now bitch, now my job is done. Can I finish my date with Scorpio?”

I could only gawk now, has Samuel’s cool appearance been ripped out by Aquarius? This is stupid, I don’t even think Samuel could be defeated that easily. No way...No way…

Then I felt a cold sensation creeping around my warm neck, a shiver ran down my spine and my feet were planted to the ground. Then a gasp escaped my lips and the sensation grew tighter and tighter. I tried to turn around to see who it is, holding my neck  but I couldn’t twist my head around. I just can’t. Then I felt a breath breeze against the back of my ear.

“Now now, just relax.”


“You…!” Aquarius shuddered, clenching her bare hands on the urn. I mouthed a few grunts and gasps, feeling absolutely helpless. This is stupid, I have to save Magnolia town. And this is how I bring out my role? Then an image popped in my mind. A bright smiling boy. Natsu. The smile that I’ve always adored, Natsu’s….

“N...Natsu….” I gasped.

Erza Scarlet P.O.V.

“Come on, let’s see what you’ve got!” The two men said, mockingly.

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