Chapter 4: Natsu and Lucy Separated

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P.O.V Natsu Dragneel

Light started appearing from the crystals and then….I couldn’t see Lucy again. What was happening? What kind of power did this pearl had? Many things were going through my head, Happy wasn’t here either. We were all separated. I did not understand. What is this pearl’s purpose? I looked around, the clouds in the sky looked like they were scattered around the earth’s atmosphere like flour. The bodies of the trees were the colour of chocolate with a hair of leaves at the top.


                                                                                *                       *                    *

“LUUUUCYYYYY, WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled, my voice echoed. Lucy disappeared, I was alone. Only trees and the sky were there to comfort me.

I took a glimpse of my surroundings and it didn’t seem I was anywhere near, it was like an endless forest. A wave of doubt swept over me, what if I die here? Never see Lucy, Happy, Gray, Erza, Wendy and other people in Fairy Tail.

I fisted my head. Don’t worry Natsu, don’t lose hope. Your friends are waiting for you, no matter how long. I took a deep breath and kept walking.

                                                                          *                         *                       *

P.O.V Lucy Heartfilia

“NAAATSUUUU!!!” I screamed, I reached my hand out, trying to grab his, but the force of the pearl pushed Happy, Natsu and I apart. Slowly, Natsu disappeared as well as Happy.

I couldn’t find Natsu anywhere…..where am I? Where’s Natsu and Happy?  

“What’s your name?” A man asked, who suddenly just appeared behind me.….was he the one with the pearl?

“WHO ARE YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO NATSU AND HAPPY!” I demanded, hitting my foot on the dusty ground.

“You have a lot of keys, you would make a great sacrifice, HAHAHAHAHAH!” The man grabbed me by the neck, I tried to push him away from me but he was too strong, he put his hand over my eyes and when he removed it, everything was blurred.

                                                                          *                         *                       *

P.O.V Natsu Dragneel

My legs were aching, as if they were dragging weights. I wanted to sit down but my determination kept me going. I felt as if I didn’t have enough fire in my body. Until my hopes were lifted when I saw what looked like an old, abandoned shrine in the middle of the thick forest. The roof was torn up, the stairs were knocked down that no one can walk up, in front of the shrine, at each side were poles with fire at the top, I can probably eat them before I continue my path.

I wondered if there was anyone in there, but when I was about to take another step. Arms wrapped around mine and forced me to slam down onto the ground. I looked up, saw three men standing over me. All of them were wearing  silver armour, one had a red eye, the others just had scars and patches over one of their eyes.

“Is he enough?” One man said, gazing down at me.

“He seems weak, but he should do a little boost” Another man grinned. The third guy was trying to knock me out, he continuously punched me in the face, I was getting pissed.

“I’M NOT WEAK!” I thundered, I dragged the men’s arms down, causing them to lose their balance and fall, their grip to my arms loosened and I managed to escape, I stood back, positioned into my fighting stance.

“Ooh, he wants to fight! Want do you want us to do, Samuel? Should we fight?” The first man said.

“Hmm, if he wants to prove he’s not weak, let him be. Just try not to kill him.” The third man said.

I quickly sprinted to the shrine, climbed up one pole and sucked up all the fire. “I’M ALL FIRED UP”

“W-what?!” One man said, staring at me eating up all the flames.

I climbed to the other pole and swallowed the last bit of flames. The three men stared at me, stunned. I then summoned all the fire in my body.

“KARYU NO HOKO!!!” I then fired a large quantity of flames at the men, they crossed their arms in front of their faces, trying to block the attack from damaging them.

They looked at themselves, their skin was bright red, burnt from my flames. “This man is better than I thought!” The second man shouted. The man created a circle shape with his hands. “Monsutau Ebu!” He cried out.

Suddenly, water came out of the dry ground, fused together creating a wave on dry land. It grew, higher than the trees and started charging at me. What if I jumped? No, the wave is too high.

“KARYU NO KAGIZUME!” My feet was then set alight into flames and I tried to side-kick the wave.

The man looked at me in surprise. I managed to cut the wave in half, although, the water that was in the air, splashed onto me with a heavy push against the ground. I quickly stood up, my hair was wet and water dripped from the ends.

“MIZU NO KAIBUTSU NO MIZU!!!” Three of them seemed like they were combining powers and out of the magic circle they created came a creature, it was blue and it had frightening eyes, but that won’t keep my guard down!

“KARYU NO TEKKEN” I hit the creature with full speed and all my strength. Smoke went everywhere.

The smoke started to clear and the creature was still fighting, it was roaring.

The creature came at me with a direct hit! My body slams on the ground making a hole and I was starting to get a headache, I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS DAMN CREATURE!

“DIE ALREADY!” I threw my fist at him, punching and punching. I can’t waste anymore time with this creature! I need to find Lucy and Happy! I managed to knock out the creature after hitting several punches of fire. The three men were getting away, I have to stop them!

“KARYU NO KOEN!!!” I ignite fire from my hands creating a ball of explosion hitting it towards the three men.


CLIIIIF HANNNGEERRRR YAAAAAY. What might have happened you asked? TO BE HONEST I DON'T KNOW xDDD EHEHHEHEH!. Anyway hope you liked the chapppppterrrr. Vote, Comment and Follow <3 BAII GUYS -MintyAndShana

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