Chapter 13: Samuel's Evil Scheme

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P.O.V Wendy Marvell

Elfman, Laki and I were taking Natsu to Porlyusica, the Fairy Tail Medicinal Advisor. I know she wouldn’t welcome us in her house, since she hates “humans” even though she’s a human as well. This is a serious emergency, my healing magic won’t work on Natsu, which means something was really wrong.  Laki and Elfman were using towels to hold onto Natsu-kuns arms, supporting him,  they couldn’t lay a hand on his skin as it could burn through our fleshy skin. Even though it’s winter and the temperature was really low, Natsu’s hot skin still felt really warm against Laki and Elfman’s skin.

“Get…...away…….from……..” Natsu-kun growled, I jolted, since his voice was really deep, and sounded...not right.  Laki and Elfman, still carrying Natsu by the arms, looked at Natsu with a confused look.

“N-natsu-kun? A-are you okay?” I tried to calm Natsu-kun down but it didn’t seem to help.

Natsu-kun couldn’t control himself. He was roaring and growling, like a very furious dog who’s ready to attack a stranger. A chill crawled up my spine. I walked towards Natsu, seeing if he was alright. His head drooped, and Laki and Elfman started to panic. I looked closer to Natsu’s tormented face and my breathing just stopped when I saw his eyes started to turn into a deep red color. The deep blood colour covered Natsu’s eyes completely. W-what’s going on? It’s as if there was a demon that was in front of me.

Natsu started to struggle, trying to break free from Laki and Elfman’s grasp. Growls were heard from Natsu’s moist lips. “Natsu?” Laki shuddered. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

Natsu didn’t answer. 

“Natsu! Hey! Be a man and stay!” Elfman roared, keeping his bulky muscle within Natsu. But Natsu continued to persist, and Laki screamed. Natsu, what are you doing? You’re hurting your guild mates!

Laki shouted out her words of pain and still kept her arms around Natsu’s. “Ow! Natsu…! What are you-”

Natsu gave out a piercing roar, so intense it vibrates from the ground and into my body. My God, Natsu…

When Laki and Elfman couldn’t hold Natsu no longer due to their pained limbs holding onto Natsu weakly, Natsu took this chance and ran out of their arms.

“Natsu!” They both yelled out. Laki’s glasses fell out, due to Natsu’s force.

Natsu didn’t listen. He was now just a violent animal, an animal that can’t be tamed. Then his head turned to me, and my whole body just froze up. “N-Natsu?”

Natsu gave out a nasty howl and with his back slouched, he ran towards me.

“Wendy!” Laki yelled out. “Move away!”

I didn’t move away. I couldn’t move my feet, why? I could feel the pulse in my heart near my ears, no matter how much air I try to inhale, no air is inside me and I noticed I was shivering. Fear?

Natsu made a leap and pushed me to the ground, I couldn’t fight back, I couldn’t muster up courage at all. I lay on the floor, a rag doll, with a wild animal on top of her. I struggled, trying to get released from Natsu’s gripping hands, only to be overpowered so easily. I gazed at Natsu’s eyes, Red. It’s just so red.

“Stay down, Wendy!”

I swing my head around, seeing Elfman charging at Natsu with his arm transformed into a Beast Arm: Reptile. Elfman let out a swipe at Natsu with the scaled arm but Natsu dodged it smoothly like it’s nothing. Natsu gave a snarl at Elfman and jumped high and landed on a tree.

“Natsu! What are you doing?!” Elfman yelled out.

Laki stood up. “I don’t understand. Natsu….isn’t himself.”

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