Another Head Injury

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I've broken the trust. I've broken the rules. And now I've broken my best friends heart. I'm so completely screwed.

I run a hand through my hair, wiping at the tears that slid down my face before concentrating on the road before me. I was headed to Memphis, unfortunately Leati would have to stay in Tennessee.

I turn on the radio, listening to Bring Me the Horizon and slowly cheering up. I couldn't compete either, but the divas have all agreed to compete in my place for a while. Stephanie and Paul thought that this would be the best. And of course, Stephanie put me as Dean's onscreen girlfriend so now he can truly keep an eye on me. Thanks Steph.


I punch the punching bag repeatedly until it comes back and hits me, causing me to fall backwards.

"Paige!" I'm lifted up and I open my eyes, Randy was looking down at me. I smile and my eyes close as I relax. "I'm gonna put you in your locker room, you need to rest."

"No, I-I need to...i need to go to the ring...i need to wrestle."

"Paige, your tired, you need some sleep. How much sleep did you get?"

"Umm, I didn't."

"When was the last time you slept?"


"Paige." Randy puts me down on a couch and grabs a blanket. He drapes it over me. "I've got to go, be safe."

"Hmm." He kisses my forehead and I close my eyes.


I open my eyes an jump off the couch as I hear Dean's music play. I run to the gorilla, fixing my hair slightly. Dean looks at me and smirks. "Ready?"


We walk out to the ring, Dean grabs a microphone. "I'm not dead!" I smirk as he continues to talk.

"Tonight, I'm the Authority and I'm not leaving this ring until Seth Rollins comes out." He slips out of the ring, grabbing two chairs and setting them up. I sit down beside him and wait patiently. John Cena's music comes on and he enters the ring. Dean gets up and slams his chair closed. The authority walks out and announces that John and Dean won't be able to get their hands on Seth tonight. John and Dean run down the ramp and attack Seth. Kane and Randy run to his rescue and Seth runs into the ring, looking at me. I take a step closer to him, mocking him but Dean and John enter the ring. Seth leaps over the barricade and runs to the back. Dean and John follows him and I glare at Stephanie.

"Paige, you do anything to disrupt our plans, we will deal with you. Head injury or not."

"I'm not afraid of you. You're just a McMahon." I snarl out and they exit. I go through the crowd.


Dean enters the ring as I go to commentary. Kane enters and Dean instantly attacks Kane's leg.

Kane attempts to pin Dean, he kicks out at 2.

Dean does a drop kick right to the chest.

Dean send Kane over the ropes and Dean dives after him. Dean grabs chairs from underneath the ring an Kane kicks Dean in the face. Kane sends Dean into the steel steps and throws Dean into the ring. Kane attempts to pin Dean, he kicks out at 2.

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