Chapter 2:

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I was cleaning out the shelves in the store when loud boys entered the store making me sigh softly.

"Look, what we have here boys," a familiar voice said behind me making me tense and turn my head slowly. My eyes widened in shock and fear when my eyes locked on him.

"Xavier, what are you doing here?" I asked swallowing my fear while turning back to my work. "Looking for you Chloe, they want you to come back I want you back," as he spoke he moved closer.

I shivered, finished and moved away to the counter. "I'm not coming back, stop trying to get me back because nothing is going to work. Now either buy something or leave," I replied moving behind the counter and sorting out a few things.

I heard him sigh and he said before heading to the door, "you're lucky they sent me Chloe. I play nice, but next time they're sending him and he won't be so kind." And he was gone.

I closed my eyes, taking a shaky breath. If Xavier found me then he could as well, meaning we needed to move.

"Chloe what is going on?" Jimin asked as I made a couple of calls, pacing, packing as well as panicking and staying away from the hybrids.

I was in the living room boxing up everything in the kitchen as well while the boys helped. Though Jimin stopped and asked what is going on? Making me freeze.

I shook my head, forced a smile and said, "nothing we're just-" suddenly I was grabbed by my shoulders and forced to look into Yoongi's eyes.

"Tell us," he commanded, I shook my hear and said, "I cannot not yet anyway. We need to move now, please."

He sighed, but nodded and released me. Taking in a deep breath, I continued the boys as well but the air was tense. I knew they weren't going to let it go easily.

Particularly Jimin.

I had to move them to a new house, new town on the outskirts so that we wouldn't draw attention  easily and get a job.

I got a job at a new adoption centre which made me happy. I only start in two weeks though.

I was on my laptop going through records, papers and calls (I forgot Chloe is a hacker). It was past two when I found something interesting.

Alex got into contact with Xavier and him letting them know about my whereabouts. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him.

3rd POV
After feeding the hybrids and cleaning Chloe sat alone in her room trying to figure out what is going on, what she should do to protect her boys.

Chloe sat in her room not noticing the boys coming in and sitting down around her looking at her in concern and confusion.

"Chloe?" Jin called tentatively, his heart aching to see her like this. All the boys felt the same. Wondering why she wasn't smiling anymore, barely laughed and did just work, clean, feed and stay locked up in her room.

She snapped out of he daze and asked softly, "yeah you guys need anything?"

"We need you," Jungkook the baby said his ears twitching as he stared at her with his big doe eyes.

She knew what they meant, she sighed softly, looked down and said, "I know and I'm sorry, I've just been so busy," suddenly she was in the middle of a group hug.

She finally found safe, warm, protected....and....loved.
"I love you guys," she muttered making them smile. "We love you too."

They stayed like that having no idea someone was watching them.

"Sir? I found them. They seem fond of their human."

"Eliminate her."

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