Chapter 6:

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3rd POV:
Chloe was on edge the next day when the clock struck 7:35 pm just then there was a knock at the door which drew everyone's attention. Chloe walked over her heart beating and her legs felt like jelly.

But she swung it open and looked at the male standing in front of her. He had black slick hair, brown eyes, attractive and dressed in a suit.

"Xavier?" She questioned her voice steady to which he nodded and she let him in, leading him to the living area where only Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi where. Hoseok was told to keep the youngest three away and locked in Chloe's room safest place.

She stood next to Yoongi who sat on the couch on Namjoon's left and Jin on his right while Xavier stood in front of them. "Hi, boys why don't you come home?" Xavier asked with a smirk which Chloe wanted to wipe off but she kept her emotions in check.

"That's not our home, now why are you and your boss still after us?" Asked Namjoon which made Chloe shiver slightly but kept her face blank.

"He wants you to come back home, Namjoon. All of you, he misses you," Yoongi scoffed at that and immediately Chloe began running her fingers thorough his hair which calmed him slightly and Xavier saw this interaction.

"So you must be the famous Chloe who stole the hybrids," he snapped glaring at her. "I didn't steal them I took them. I signed the papers which means that they are mine not yours or your boss," Chloe replied voice steady.

"Leave her be," growled Jin and Yoongi in unison. "Oh you care for her how sweet. I wonder what you would do when boss comes after her," Xavier said as he walked toward her and she moved away from the three as if to protect them.

Before he could touch her he was sent flying against the wall across the room leaving cracks I'm the wall making her flinch slightly at the sound.

Jin stood in front of her a fierce look on his face, no one touches his -their- family.

No one.

"Leave Xavier and tell your boss we will be ready for him," said Namjoon. "Boss, will come for you seven. He will come for her because she took and changed you. Her life is in danger good luck boys you'll need it," and with that he was gone.

"What do we do now?" Asked Chloe as the youngest came down in their animal form and surrounded her, Hoseok landed on her shoulder nuzzling her hair while the other three rested in her arms.

"We run."


"We prepare."


"We fight."


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