Chapter 5:

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1st POV:
I woke up to whispers that  sounded as if they were arguing. Not very correctly I might add, do it outside of the room of the unconscious person.

I opened my eyes blinking a few times to adjust them to the harsh light. "Next time you guys want to argue, do it outside," I said as I sat up my voice hoarse and my throat felt like sand paper.

They immediately went to treat me, which is not necessary. I smiled thankfully at them before drinking a little water and asking them to explain to me what had happened while I was out.

Turns out Daruis is not the only one who has found us someone form their past as well and wants me dead but they refuse to speak about it. I will wait until they are ready to talk. They told me I have to stay in bed for the rest of the day in bed and rest.

While they decided what to do next so I stayed put and started thinking. And I hate it when I think.

They would be better off with another human. They wouldn't have to deal with my baggage they should not. They are hybrids and they are so special and perfect…that is why I love having them. I do need and love them…but I don't want them getting hurt!
I am their friend I am supposed to be protecting them! Not the other way around.

"Chloe?" I snapped out of thoughts seeing Jimin in front of me with Namjoon and the others by the doorway looking concerned. I forced my thoughts back, smiled and said, "Yes guys? Need something?" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jin and Hoseok looking at me with a frown but looked to Namjoon who began speaking.

"Chloe we were wondering if we could contact….Xavier and let him come here," he said making me tense and shoot out of bed. I stumbled a little but caught myself and gave him a confused look. "Why?" "We want to see if he would know why they are coming after us. Again," said Yoongi gaze stern/cold making me shiver.

I closed my eyes took a breath and said, "alright but only when I am around and just in the living room nowhere else. Understand?" I asked to which they nodded ears flickering in different directions. "When is he coming?"


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