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1st POV:
12 Days, in this hell. Beatings, barely food and water also injections that didn't affect me at all.

Two questions:

Why am I still alive? Here?

Are the boys safe?

I did not look up when the door slammed open thinking it was one of Zachary's henchmen. "Chloe?" I jumped and flinched when a handed landed on my shoulder. My head shot up eyes locking with a worried…Jungkook?

"Kookie," goodness my voice sounds awful. "What are you doing here? Aren't you in the middle of a war?" I asked as he broke my chains and lifted my tense body as if it weighed nothing and began walking out.

"We are rescuing you, now be quiet please," I did as he told listening with him before he bolted down a specific hallway where familiar voices came from.

I buried my head in his chest as we reached what I  guessing is the main hall where the others were. "I got her let us go," said Jungkook and with that we ran -well he ran with me in his arms- home. Hearing footfalls behind us , I tensed more and snuggled more into Jungkook who kept a tight grip one and ran faster.

"Do not worry we're almost there," he whispered just as he ran up the trail, steps and through the door the others, tumbling on behind him, closing and bolting it.

"Chloe what happened?" Asked Hoseok.

I sat in my room just staring into space, after telling Jungkook what had happened (only trusts him for now), he explained to the others. When they tried to hold or just approach me I flinched away toward Jungkook.

So, Jungkook helped me to my room, helped with dressing me (he was a complete gentleman) and left me because the others called another meeting that I was not 'fit' to be a part of.

I laid on my bed just staring at the ceiling, choosing not to sleep because of the nightmares. So I decided to throw a hoodie that  covered my shorts as well and headed to the training room. To also possibly listen in on the meeting.

I sang softly to myself, stopping when I heard my name from the meeting area, I was looking out of the window, so people thought I didn't know what was going on so I listened closely.

"….we cannot involve her in this Namjoon! She has been hurt enough already! More than that," snapped Jimin which surprised me he was always the calm one aside from Hoseok.

"What are we supposed to do then? Zachary will only come out when Chloe is around! Anything other than that and he disappears," said Yoongi sounding….upset?

"I do not like this but to end this we have to lure him out. Chloe is the only way," said Jin softly.

"NO!" three voices snapped making me jump. "Why don't we ask her?" Said Jin, "where is she?" Asked Yoongi and heard them head to the door. I bolted into the training room, took two daggers and walked to the dummy and began training.

"Chloe?" I heard Jin call and it made me tense, "yes?" I called back keeping my attention on the dummy.

"Will you help us?" Asked Yoongi, I turned to them and said, "to being bait you mean. Yes I will."

Woah, did not know she would agree! What do you guys think? Please let me know!
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