Recap and Disclaimer

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own The 100, I only own my character Aggie. All rights go to Kass Morgan and the CW.

VERY BIG TRIGGER WARNING: CHAPTER TWO, WHICH WILL INCLUDE EPISODE ONE OF SEASON TWO OF THE 100, WILL CONTAIN GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS OF MEDICAL TORTURE AND VIVID HALLUCINATIONS. IF YOU DO NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE READING SUCH TROUBLING CONTENT, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SKIP THE CHAPTER. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE STORY INVOLVED IS THAT IT IS BRUTAL, AND IT IS EXTREMELY TRAUMATISING TO AGGIE. I have included the detailed descriptions of hallucinations and torture to showcase Aggie's mindset and who she will become, demonstrating how she blames herself for everything that's gone wrong; including the deaths and downfalls of the people on the Ark after she was arrested.

That being said, things in this story won't follow exactly how the show does. This story is OC centred, so I will be changing dialogue and scenarios to fit my character/story and make it something different. If you're familiar with the content of the show and the previous book, feel free to skip this chapter :)

Here's a recap of season one of the 100 and story one, 'Ghost';

A nuclear war irradiated the Earth 197 years ago, and what was thought to be the only surviving members of the human race escaped the devastation on their countries space stations orbiting the planet. Twelve Stations, for twelve different countries, combined to form the Ark. Here, every crime is punishable by death, 'floating', unless you are under the age of 18. Juveniles are to be held in the stations prison, 'the Skybox', until their 18th birthday where they will meet with the council for a trial to decide their fate. No one makes it out of a trial alive.
For six years, the guards of the Ark were left scratching their heads as an uncatchable thief ran wild across their Station. Aggie, who goes by Myles, was only four years old when her mother died suddenly, leaving her alone with her abusive father. The young girl used the skills living with her father had taught her to silently slip around the Ark, supplying people in need of extra food, medicine and clothes with whatever she could to help them survive. She was dubbed 'the Ghost' of the Ark, before she suddenly disappeared altogether at the age of eleven.
One day before Aggie was due to be floated for her crime of murdering the man who sexually assaulted her, Marcus Kane guaranteed her a seat with 99 other delinquents as a last ditch attempt to save the population of the Ark Station. The Arks life support is failing, rapidly depleting their oxygen supply and the exploratory mission sends the 100 teens and a stowaway headfirst into a war.
To the surprise of the Arkers, for almost 200 years people have survived on the Earth. Civilisations scatter the planet, living without technology and taking a more primitive, almost medieval, lifestyle. These people, 'grounders', battle the teens for destroying their land and bringing harm to their people. During the chaos, teen angst runs rampant; cheating scandals and love triangles plague the delinquents. Bellamy Blake had hidden on the dropship so that he could stay with his illegal little sister, and ends up falling in love with a certain red haired girl. Octavia Blake falls in love with a kind grounder who risks his life to save the teens, the forbidden relationship tempting the fates of those around them.
As the delinquents fight for their lives in a brutal bloodbath with the grounders, the Ark Station falls to the Earth, exploding through the night sky. This terrifies the redhead, the idea of having to face her abusive father risks the girls relationship with the Blake brother and her best friends, Jasper Jordan and Monty Green.
After the battle, Aggie awakens to find herself in the presence of people she's never met before. Grounders with advanced technology that mirrors what the red haired teen had grown up with on the Ark startle her, making her question the little she does know about the planet. These cruel people desire to know exactly how an Arkers body works in the hopes that they can use pieces of their bodies to cure themselves.

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